- Sign on to the PingOne admin console.
- Go to Connections > External IDPs and click+ Add Provider.
- Click SAML.
- On the Create IDP Profile tab, in the Name field, enter a name. Click Continue.
- On the Configure PingOne Connection tab, record the entity ID value from the PingOne (SP) Entity ID field, and then click Continue.
- On the Configure IDP Connection tab, select the Import Metadata button, and then click Choose.
- Select the metadata file.
- In the SSO Binding section, select the HTTP POST button.
- In the Verification Certificate section, click Choose and import the verification certificate.
- Click Save and Continue.
On the Map Attributes tab, map any
additional attributes of your choice. Click Save &
Consider adding an email address mapping.
- Return to the Identity Providers list, and click the toggle to enable your IdP.
- Click the Pencil icon on your IdP, and then go to the IDP Configuration tab.
- Record the value of the ACS Endpoint field.