Open OAuth Playground.
For instructions on installing and configuring OAuth Playground, see OAuth Playground in the PingFederate documentation.
- In the left navigation pane, click Authorization Code and enable OpenID Connect.
Click Submit.
You're redirected to the API Explorer.
Note:Usually this would direct you to a sign-on page hosted on PingFederate, but you redirected the flow by adding the API application with the URL of the API Explorer and selecting the application in the active authentication policy.
- In the Authentication Adapter/Selector list, select HTML Form IdP Adapter.
Click Get to initiate the Authentication phase of the
. - Expand the USERNAME_PASSWORD_REQUIRED section.
- Click Paste Model Template and edit the template with your credentials.
Click Post.
The request will look like the following.
POST https://localhost:9031/pf-ws/authn/flows/VKX4Q?action=checkUsernamePassword { "username": "user.1", "password": "Password1" }
The response after you post will look like the following.
{ "id": "g2H6A", "pluginTypeId": "7RmQNDWaOnBoudTufx2sEw", "status": "RESUME", "resumeUrl": "https://localhost:9031/as/g2H6A/resume/as/authorization.ping", "_links": { "self": { "href": "https://localhost:9031/pf-ws/authn/flows/g2H6A" } } }
Under the Post button, in the
Result code box, click Resume
You're redirected to the OAuth Playground.
Click Submit to exchange your authorization code for a
valid token by sending a request to the /as/token.oauth2
You can see the text for the provided access_token and id_token.
Click Validate on either token to
have OAuth Playground validate the tokens and display any embedded claims.
You’ve successfully used the Authentication API to simulate an authentication portal experience.