You can enable PingID for VPN through the PingOne for Enterprise admin portal or PingFederate Bridge. To enable PingID VPN through the PingOne for Enterprise admin portal:

  1. Sign on to the PingOne for Enterprise admin portal.
  2. Click Setup.
  3. Click PingID > Client Integration.
  4. Click Setup PingFederate for PingID.
    Screen capture of the Client Integration tab. At the bottom, two buttons read Generate and Setup PingFederate for PingID, the latter is highlighted with a red box. The text above reads: Integrate with PingFederate and Other Clients and Use these properties files to Integrate PingID with external clients such as AD FS, SSH, VPN, Windows Login (servers) or APIs. These files will contain sensitive information such as encryption keys. Two buttons read Download and Revoke. Across the top, the tabs read Configuration, Client Integration, Branding, Device and Pairing, and Policy.
  5. To choose your server platform, follow the on-screen instructions.
  6. To download PingFederate Bridge, follow the on-screen instructions.
  7. To install and configure PingFederate Bridge, follow the on-screen instructions.

    Your Server Domain is your fully qualified domain name (FQDN).

  8. In the PingFederate administrative console, review the license agreement. Click Accept.
  9. In the PingOne for Enterprise admin portal, in the Install and Configure PingFederate Bridge section, from the Complete Quick Start section, copy the activation key.
    Screen capture of the Complete Quick Start section. The Activation Key field is highlighted with a red box. Below the activation key field reads: To connect PingFederate Bridge to your PingOne account, copy this unique activation key into PingFederate Bridge when prompted. This is a single-use activation key. A new key will be generated for each PingOne session.
  10. In the PingFederate administrative console, click Yes, Connect to PingOne for Enterprise.
  11. In the Activation Key field, paste the activation key you copied from the PingOne for Enterprise admin portal. Click Next.
    The PingFederate administrative console displays the Identities section.
  12. Proceed to Configure PingID for VPN with PingFederate Bridge.