Regardless of whether PingAuthorize Server is configured to evaluate a policy in Embedded or External mode, a policy-decision file logs every policy decision per request. This file is located at PingAuthorize/logs/policy-decision and contains the following information:

  • Policy-decision response

    Each client request triggers a policy-decision response that specifies the inbound actions to perform, and another policy-decision response that specifies the outbound actions to perform. If you think of a policy-decision response as a set or decision tree of policies, all inbound and outbound requests are read from that set or tree.

    Policy rules determine whether a request is denied, permitted, or indeterminate.

  • Most recent policy decision

    To debug the most recent inbound request, open the policy-decision log file and locate the highest DECISION requestID in the section near the bottom of the file.

    Alternatively, you can use the most recent request timestamp to locate the most recent request.

  • Policy advice

    If the policy contains advice, it is logged after the policy-decision response JSON. Advice features the same corresponding requestID as the most recent policy decision.

To increase the level of detail that is returned in PDP decision responses, configure the Policy Decision Service as follows.

dsconfig set-policy-decision-service-prop \
  --add decision-response-view:decision-tree \
  --add decision-response-view:request \
  --add decision-response-view:evaluated-entities \
  --add decision-response-view:evaluation-log-with-attribute-values