PingIntelligence for APIs Dashboard provides detailed analytics on each API. On the main Dashboard, the following information is available:
  • Training status - An API is trained after the ABS AI engine analyzes its traffic patterns and builds AI models to detect attacks on the API. For more information, see AI Engine training
  • Total number of requests made to the API during the requested timeframe
  • Total attacks on the API during the requested timeframe

Click on the API name to launch an API-specific dashboard. The dashboard provides following insight into the API activity:
  • Client attacks on the API - PingIntelligence for APIs identifies the number of individual clients executing attacks by client identifier - API Keys, Cookies, IP addresses, OAuth2 tokens, and Usernames. It also displays the total number of attacks (including multiple attacks per client) originating from any client identifier
  • API Attacks - ABS AI Engine reports on client attacks targeted on a specific API. It identifies different attack types on your API based on client activity. The dashboard displays information that can be sorted by attack type or count. For more information, see REST API attacks.
  • API Activity and Attacks - The API dashboard provides the total number of requests and attackers for the API in a time-series format.
  • Top Resources Accessed - The most frequently accessed API resources can be viewed in sorted order by URL or number of requests.
  • Top IP Addresses - The IP addresses from which the API requests have originated can be viewed in sorted order by IP or number of requests.
  • Top Device Types – The device type from which the API requests have originated can be viewed in sorted order by device type or the number of requests.
  • Top Users – The username accessing the API can be viewed in sorted order by username or number of requests.
  • Error Codes - The number of failed requests are categorized by HTTP status codes in a bar chart.