Description: The Blocked Connection API is used to fetch the list of blocked or dropped connections. The response includes anomalies count for the given API, such as request success or failure count.

Method: GET

URL /v4/abs/bc?later_date=<>T<hh:mm>&earlier_date=<>T<hh:mm>&details=true

Header Value
Access Key x-abs-ak <string>
Secret Key x-abs-sk <string>

Sample Response

 "earlier_date": "Wed Jan 01 08:20:00:000 2018",
 "later_date": "Sun Jan 05 13:20:00:000 2018",
 "api_blocked_connections": [
 "date": "05September2016",
 "blocked_connections": [
 "blocked_connections": [
 "category": "ioc",
 "details": []
 "category": "api",
 "details": [
 "source": "",
 "type": "no_backend_available",
 "destination_api": "/atmapp/zipcode"
 "source": "",
 "type": "no_backend_available",
 "destination_api": "/atmapp/zipcode"
 "source": "",
 "type": "no_backend_available",
 "destination_api": "/atmapp/zipcode"
 "source": "",
 "type": "no_backend_available",
 "destination_api": "/atmapp/zipcode"