Use the script available in the bin directory to build the Docker images. You can build all the following Docker images at once or you can choose to build the images individually. The following Docker images are built:
  • ASE
  • ABS
  • Dashboard
  • MongoDB
It is a good practice to obfuscate the various keys and password in ASE, ABS, and Dashboard before building the Docker images. For more information on obfuscating keys and passwords, see the following topics:
Complete the following steps to build the Docker images:
  1. Configure the base image name and base image operating system details in the config/docker.conf file.
  2. Download the following PingIntelligence software in to the software directory:
    • ASE
    • ABS
    • PingIntelligence Dashboard
  3. Download OpenJDK 11.0.2, Kibana 6.8.1, Elasticsearch 6.8.1 and MongoDB 4.2.0 in the external directory and save them with the name as shown in the following table:
    Software File name
    Elasticsearch elasticsearch.tar.gz
    OpenJDK 11.0.2 openjdk11.tar.gz
    Kibana kibana.tar.gz
    MongoDB mongodb.tgz
    Note: Make sure that MongoDB is as per the base image configured in docker.conf file.
  4. Run the script to build the Docker images:
    docker-setup# ./bin/ all
    Base image os: rhel
    Creating build context for ASE
    Creating Image
    Image created with tag pingidentity/ase:5.0
    Image saved to /home/ubuntu/docker-setup/images/pingidentity_ase.tar
    Creating build context for abs
    Creating Image
    Image created with tag pingidentity/abs:5.0
    Image saved to /home/ubuntu/docker-setup/images/pingidentity_abs.tar
    Creating build context for dashboard
    Creating Image
    Image created with tag pingidentity/dashboard:5.0
    Image saved to /home/ubuntu/docker-setup/images/pingidentity_dashboard.tar
    Creating build context for mongo
    Creating Image
    Image created with tag pingidentity/mongo:4.2.0
    Image saved to /home/ubuntu/docker-setup/images/pingidentity_mongo.tar
    root@ip-172-31-25-146:/home/ubuntu/docker-setup# vim lib/dashboard/context/

    The other options that you can give with are: ase, abs, dashboard, and mongo.

  5. Verify that the images are created by checking the local registry. Run the following command:
    sudo docker image ls | grep pingidentity
    pingidentity/dashboard             5.0                 4c2b1378bec0        38 minutes ago      2.07GB
    pingidentity/mongo                 4.2.0               fcf3986eab34        3 days ago          781MB
    pingidentity/abs                   5.0                 feced8848a28        3 days ago          910MB
    pingidentity/ase                   5.0                 5ab75d3180ed        3 days ago          595MB
  6. Verify that the Docker images are saved in the images directory:
    docker-setup# ls -ltra images/
    total 3437116
    drwxr-xr-x 11 root root       4096 Sep 18 18:39 ..
    -rw-------  1 root root  782182400 Sep 21 10:18 pingidentity_abs.tar
    -rw-------  1 root root  495038976 Sep 21 10:20 pingidentity_mongo.tar
    -rw-------  1 root root  339437568 Sep 23 06:57 pingidentity_ase.tar
    -rw-------  1 root root 1302484480 Sep 23 08:08 pingidentity_dashboard.tar
    drwxr-xr-x  2 root root       4096 Sep 23 08:08 .
Note: The Docker images do not install any additional packages like vi editor and so on.