To check successful creation of indexes on the primary and the secondary MongoDB nodes, run the following commands.

  1. Run the following command to verify indexes on real_time_ioc collection. The command lists out three indexes as shown in the example.
    mongo --quiet -u <abs-mongo-user> -p <abs-mongo-password> 
    --authenticationDatabase=admin <IP address>:27017/abs_data --eval 'db.real_time_ioc.getIndexes()' | grep name
    For example :
    mongo --quiet -u admin  -p  abs-mongo-password 
     --authenticationDatabase=admin --eval 'db.real_time_ioc.getIndexes()' | grep name
     "name" : "_id_",
     "name" : "start_date_1_end_date_1","api_name" : 1
     "name" : "session_id_1_api_name_1",
  2. Run the following command to verify indexes on log.nodes collection. The command lists out two indexes as shown in the example.
    mongo --quiet -u <abs-mongo-user> -p <abs-mongo-password>
     --authenticationDatabase=admin <IP address>:27017/abs_data --eval 'db.log_nodes.getIndexes()' | grep name
    For example:
    mongo --quiet -u admin  -p  abs-mongo-password  
    --authenticationDatabase=admin --eval 'db.log_nodes.getIndexes()' | grep name
     "name" : "_id_",
     "name" : "logs.log_ids.id_1",