In the Token Generators window, create, modify, review, or remove a token generator instance.
Note: PingFederate comes bundled with the SAML 1.1 Token Generator and SAML 2.0 Token Generator.

You can deploy additional token translators from Ping Identity website.

For simplicity, this topic focuses on configuring an instance of the SAML 1.1 or 2.0 Token Generator. For information about add-on token generators, see SSO integration overview.

For more information about WS-Trust, see Web services standards.

  1. Go to Applications > Token Exchange > Token Generators.
  2. In the Token Generatorswindow, choose from the following options.
    Configure a new instance Click Create New Instance
    Modify an existing instance Click the name of instance in the Instance Name column
    View the usage of an existing instance Click Check Usage in the Action column on the instance's row
    Remove an existing instance Click Delete in the Action column on the instance's row

    By default, PingFederate automatically checks multi-connection errors whenever you access this window. This verifies that configured connections are not adversely affected by changes made here.

    If you experience noticeable delays in accessing this window, you can disable automatic connection validation. Go to System > Server > General Settings.