The Directory Server has a default set of virtual attributes that can be viewed using the dsconfig tool. Some virtual attributes are enabled by default and are useful for most applications. You can easily enable or disable each virtual attribute using the dsconfig tool.

The default set of virtual attributes are described in the table below. You can enable or disable these attributes using the dsconfig tool.

Virtual Attributes Description
ds-entry-checksum Generates a simple checksum of an entry’s contents, which can be used with an LDAP assertion control to ensure that the entry has not been modified since it was last retrieved.
ds-instance-name Generates the name of the Directory Server instance from which the associated entry was read. This virtual attribute can be useful in load-balancing environments to determine the instance from which an entry was retrieved.
entryDN Generates an entryDN operational attribute in an entry that holds a normalized copy of the entry's current distinguished name (DN). Clients can use this attribute in search filters.
hasSubordinates Creates an operational attribute that has a value of TRUE if the entry has subordinate entries.
isMemberOf Generates an isMemberOf operational attribute that contains the DNs of the groups in which the user is a member.
numSubordinates Generates an operational attribute that returns the number of child entries. While there is no cost if this operational attribute is enabled, there could be a performance cost if it is requested. Note that this operational attribute only returns the number of immediate children of the node.
subschemaSubentry A special entry that provides information in the form of operational attributes about the schema elements defined in the server. It identifies the location of the schema for that part of the tree.
  • ldapSyntaxes - set of attribute syntaxes
  • matchingRules - set of matching rules
  • matchingRuleUse - set of matching rule uses
  • attributeTypes - set of attribute types
  • objectClasses - set of object classes
  • nameForms - set of name forms
  • dITContentRules - set of DIT content rules
  • dITStructureRules - set of DIT structure rules
User Defined Virtual Attribute Generates virtual attributes with user-defined values in entries that match the criteria defined in the plugin's configuration. User-defined virtual attributes are intended to specify a hard-coded value for entries matching a given set of criteria.
Virtual Static Member Generates a member attribute whose values are the DNs of the members of a specified virtual static group. Virtual static groups are best used in client applications with a large number of entries that can only support static groups and obtains all of its membership from a dynamic group. Do not modify the filter in the Virtual Static Member attribute as it is an advanced property and modifying it can lead to undesirable side effects.
Virtual Static Uniquemember Generates a uniqueMember attribute whose values are the DNs of the members of a specified virtual static group. Virtual static groups are best used in client applications with a large number of entries that can only support static groups and obtains all of its membership from a dynamic group. Do not modify the filter in the Virtual Static Uniquemember attribute as it is an advanced property and modifying it can lead to undesirable side effects.