Several specific modifications since version 10.0 might affect existing deployments.

Expression Admin role
When upgrading to PingFederate 10.1 from a previous version, administrative users who were granted the Admin role in the earlier installation are granted the Expression Admin role automatically. You can achieve the same result by using the /bulk/import administrative API endpoint to bulk-import a configuration that was bulk-exported from PingFederate 10.0.
Additionally, all four administrative roles, namely User Admin, Admin, Expression Admin, and Crypto Admin, are required to access and make changes through the following services:
  • The /bulk, /configArchive, and /configStore administrative API endpoints
  • The System > Server > Configuration Archive window in the administrative console
  • The Connection Management configuration item on the Security > System Integration > Service Authentication window
Authentication session created after user registration
As of PingFederate 10.1, an authentication session is automatically created for a user after registration, preventing the user from having to log in again during the next SSO transaction. This feature is enabled by default for all new and existing local identity profiles. However, if needed, you can disable it through the /localIdentity/identityProfiles administrative API endpoint by setting the createAuthnSessionAfterRegistration attribute to false.
If PingFederate is running on Linux and uses AWS CloudHSM, when administrators upgrade from PingFederate version 10.0 or earlier to PingFederate version 10.0.1 or later, they must also upgrade the CloudHSM client to version 3.1.1.
Template html.form.login.template.html
Starting with PingFederate 10.0, the html.form.login.template.html template no longer includes the $forgotPasswordUrl variable.