Ping SDKs

Step 2. Configure connection properties

In this step, you provide your application with the settings it needs to connect to your PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud or PingAM instance.

For example, which authentication tree to use and the realm it is a part of.

For this quick start guide, you must provide at least the following properties:

Property Description


The client_id of the OAuth 2.0 client profile to use.


The redirect_uri as configured in the OAuth 2.0 client profile.

This value must match a value configured in your OAuth 2.0 client, but is not actually used by the Android application.


A list of scopes to request when performing an OAuth 2.0 authorization flow.


The URL of the PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud or PingAM instance.

For example,

If you are not using PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud, specify the port and deployment path.

For example,


The realm in which the OAuth 2.0 client profile is configured.

For example, alpha

If you are not using PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud, specify the default PingAM the top-level realm; root.


The name of the journey to use for authentication.

For example, sdkUsernamePasswordJourney


The name of the cookie that contains the session token. To obtain the name of the cookie in the PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud:

  1. Click your user in the top-right corner and select Tenant settings.

  2. On the Global Settings tab, copy the value of the Cookie property.

The value is a random string of characters, such as 29cd7a346b42b42.

If you are not using PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud, the cookie name is usually iPlanetDirectoryPro.

Show additional configuration properties
Property Description


A threshold, in seconds, to refresh an OAuth 2.0 token before the access_token expires (defaults to 30 seconds).


A timeout, in seconds, for each request that communicates with PingAM.

Add required connection settings to your app

  1. In the Project tree view of your Android Studio project, navigate to app  res  values, and then open the strings.xml file.

  2. Inside the <resources> element, add the following elements, adjusting the values for your deployment:

    <!-- OAuth 2.0 client details -->
    <string name="forgerock_oauth_client_id" translatable="false">sdkPublicClient</string>
    <string name="forgerock_oauth_redirect_uri" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="forgerock_oauth_scope" translatable="false">openid profile email address</string>
    <!-- PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud details -->
    <string name="forgerock_url" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="forgerock_cookie_name" translatable="false">iPlanetDirectoryPro</string>
    <string name="forgerock_realm" translatable="false">alpha</string>
    <!-- Journey details -->
    <string name="forgerock_auth_service" translatable="false">sdkUsernamePasswordJourney</string>

Check point

You have now configured your application with the settings it needs to connect to your PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud or PingAM instance.

In the next step, you add debug logging and initialize the SDK.