
Flow Control REST API

The Flow Control is used to fetch details of all connections that exceeded the threshold value for client spike, server spike, connection queued, connection rejected, bytes-in spike, and bytes-out spike.

The flow control report is only available when API Security Enforcer (ASE) is deployed in inline mode.

Method: GET

URL: /v4/abs/flowcontrol?later_date=<>&earlier_date=<>&api=<api_name>

Header Value

Access Key



Secret Key



Sample Response:

 "company": "ping identity",
 "name": "api_flowcontrol",
 "description": "This report contains flow control information for the
  specified API.",
 "earlier_date": "Wed Jan 01 08:20:00:000 2018",
 "later_date": "Sun Jan 05 13:20:00:000 2018",
 "api_name": "websocket",
 "summary": {
 "client_spike": 610,
 "connection_queued": 0,
 "connection_quota_exceeded": 0,
 "bytes_in_spike": 2743,
 "bytes_out_spike": 287
 "details": {
 "client_spike": [],
 "server_spike": [
 "request_time": "Fri Jan 09 17:19:55:977 2016",
 "connection_id": "147378243",
 "source_ip": "",
 "destination_api": "/atmapp/login"
 "request_time": "Fri Jan 09 17:19:55:991 2016",
 "connection_id": "1919058221",
 "source_ip": "",
 "destination_api": "/atmapp/zipcode"
 "connections_queued": [],
 "connections_rejected": [],
 "bytes_in_spike": [],
 "bytes_out_spike": []