

Realm Operations

Resource path:


Resource version: 2.0



am> create PingOneProtectInitialize --realm Realm --id id --body body



The unique identifier for the resource.


The resource in JSON format, described by the following JSON schema:

  "type" : "object",
  "properties" : {
    "deviceAttributesToIgnore" : {
      "title" : "Device Attributes To Ignore",
      "description" : "A list of device attributes to ignore when collecting device signals.",
      "propertyOrder" : 300,
      "items" : {
        "type" : "string"
      "type" : "array",
      "exampleValue" : ""
    "customHost" : {
      "title" : "Custom Host",
      "description" : "Custom Host to retrieve the \"Pong\" token.",
      "propertyOrder" : 400,
      "type" : "string",
      "exampleValue" : ""
    "lazyMetadata" : {
      "title" : "Lazy Metadata",
      "description" : "When enabled, calculate the metadata only on getData invocation, otherwise do it automatically on init. default is false",
      "propertyOrder" : 500,
      "type" : "boolean",
      "exampleValue" : ""
    "deviceKeyRsyncIntervals" : {
      "title" : "Device Key Rsync Intervals (days)",
      "description" : "Number of days used to window the next time the device attestation should use the device fallback key. default is 14 days",
      "propertyOrder" : 800,
      "type" : "integer",
      "exampleValue" : ""
    "behavioralDataCollection" : {
      "title" : "Collect Behavioral Data",
      "description" : "When enabled (the default), collect behavioral data. When not enabled, behavioral data is not collected.",
      "propertyOrder" : 600,
      "type" : "boolean",
      "exampleValue" : ""
    "disableHub" : {
      "title" : "Disable Hub",
      "description" : "When selected, the client stores device data in the browser's localStorage only. When not selected (the default), an iframe is used.",
      "propertyOrder" : 700,
      "type" : "boolean",
      "exampleValue" : ""
    "disableTags" : {
      "title" : "Disable Tags",
      "description" : "When enabled the SDK will collect tag data. When not enabled (the default), tag data is not collected.",
      "propertyOrder" : 1000,
      "type" : "boolean",
      "exampleValue" : ""
    "consoleLogEnabled" : {
      "title" : "Enable SDK Logs",
      "description" : "When enabled, output SDK log messages in the developer console. Default is not enabled.",
      "propertyOrder" : 200,
      "type" : "boolean",
      "exampleValue" : ""
    "pingOneWorker" : {
      "title" : "PingOne Worker Service ID",
      "description" : "The ID of the PingOne worker service for connecting to PingOne.",
      "propertyOrder" : 100,
      "type" : "string",
      "exampleValue" : ""
    "enableTrust" : {
      "title" : "Enable Trust",
      "description" : "Tie the device payload to a non-extractable crypto key stored on the browser for content authenticity verification",
      "propertyOrder" : 900,
      "type" : "boolean",
      "exampleValue" : ""
  "required" : [ "deviceAttributesToIgnore", "lazyMetadata", "deviceKeyRsyncIntervals", "behavioralDataCollection", "disableHub", "disableTags", "consoleLogEnabled", "pingOneWorker", "enableTrust" ]



am> delete PingOneProtectInitialize --realm Realm --id id



The unique identifier for the resource.


Obtain the collection of all secondary configuration types related to the resource.


am> action PingOneProtectInitialize --realm Realm --actionName getAllTypes


Obtain the collection of secondary configuration types that have yet to be added to the resource.


am> action PingOneProtectInitialize --realm Realm --actionName getCreatableTypes


List the available outcomes for the node type.


am> action PingOneProtectInitialize --realm Realm --body body --actionName listOutcomes



The resource in JSON format, described by the following JSON schema:

  "type" : "object",
  "title" : "Some configuration of the node. This does not need to be complete against the configuration schema."


Obtain the collection of secondary configuration instances that have been added to the resource.


am> action PingOneProtectInitialize --realm Realm --actionName nextdescendents


Get the full list of instances of this collection. This query only supports _queryFilter=true filter.


am> query PingOneProtectInitialize --realm Realm --filter filter



A CREST formatted query filter, where "true" will query all.



am> read PingOneProtectInitialize --realm Realm --id id



The unique identifier for the resource.



am> update PingOneProtectInitialize --realm Realm --id id --body body



The unique identifier for the resource.


The resource in JSON format, described by the following JSON schema:

  "type" : "object",
  "properties" : {
    "deviceAttributesToIgnore" : {
      "title" : "Device Attributes To Ignore",
      "description" : "A list of device attributes to ignore when collecting device signals.",
      "propertyOrder" : 300,
      "items" : {
        "type" : "string"
      "type" : "array",
      "exampleValue" : ""
    "customHost" : {
      "title" : "Custom Host",
      "description" : "Custom Host to retrieve the \"Pong\" token.",
      "propertyOrder" : 400,
      "type" : "string",
      "exampleValue" : ""
    "lazyMetadata" : {
      "title" : "Lazy Metadata",
      "description" : "When enabled, calculate the metadata only on getData invocation, otherwise do it automatically on init. default is false",
      "propertyOrder" : 500,
      "type" : "boolean",
      "exampleValue" : ""
    "deviceKeyRsyncIntervals" : {
      "title" : "Device Key Rsync Intervals (days)",
      "description" : "Number of days used to window the next time the device attestation should use the device fallback key. default is 14 days",
      "propertyOrder" : 800,
      "type" : "integer",
      "exampleValue" : ""
    "behavioralDataCollection" : {
      "title" : "Collect Behavioral Data",
      "description" : "When enabled (the default), collect behavioral data. When not enabled, behavioral data is not collected.",
      "propertyOrder" : 600,
      "type" : "boolean",
      "exampleValue" : ""
    "disableHub" : {
      "title" : "Disable Hub",
      "description" : "When selected, the client stores device data in the browser's localStorage only. When not selected (the default), an iframe is used.",
      "propertyOrder" : 700,
      "type" : "boolean",
      "exampleValue" : ""
    "disableTags" : {
      "title" : "Disable Tags",
      "description" : "When enabled the SDK will collect tag data. When not enabled (the default), tag data is not collected.",
      "propertyOrder" : 1000,
      "type" : "boolean",
      "exampleValue" : ""
    "consoleLogEnabled" : {
      "title" : "Enable SDK Logs",
      "description" : "When enabled, output SDK log messages in the developer console. Default is not enabled.",
      "propertyOrder" : 200,
      "type" : "boolean",
      "exampleValue" : ""
    "pingOneWorker" : {
      "title" : "PingOne Worker Service ID",
      "description" : "The ID of the PingOne worker service for connecting to PingOne.",
      "propertyOrder" : 100,
      "type" : "string",
      "exampleValue" : ""
    "enableTrust" : {
      "title" : "Enable Trust",
      "description" : "Tie the device payload to a non-extractable crypto key stored on the browser for content authenticity verification",
      "propertyOrder" : 900,
      "type" : "boolean",
      "exampleValue" : ""
  "required" : [ "deviceAttributesToIgnore", "lazyMetadata", "deviceKeyRsyncIntervals", "behavioralDataCollection", "disableHub", "disableTags", "consoleLogEnabled", "pingOneWorker", "enableTrust" ]