Autonomous Identity 2022.11.11

Server maintenance

Autonomous Identity administrators must conduct various tasks to maintain the service for their users.

The following are basic server maintenance tasks that may occur:

Stopping and starting

You can run the following command to stop or start Autonomous Identity components:


Stop Docker

  • Stop docker. This will shutdown all of the containers.

    $ sudo systemctl stop docker

Restart Docker

  1. To restart docker, first set the docker to start on boot using the enable command:

    $ sudo systemctl enable docker
  2. To start docker, run the start command:

    $ sudo systemctl start docker
  3. After restarting Docker, restart the JAS service to ensure the service can write to its logs:

    $ docker service update --force jas_jasnode


Stop Cassandra

  1. On the deployer node, SSH to the target node.

  2. Check Cassandra status.

    Datacenter: datacenter1
    |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving —  Address      Load       Tokens       Owns (effective)  Host ID                               Rack
    UN  1.17 MiB   256          100.0%            d134e7f6-408e-43e5-bf8a-7adff055637a  rack1
  3. To stop Cassandra, find the process ID and run the kill command.

    $ pgrep -u autoid -f cassandra | xargs kill -9
  4. Check the status again.

    nodetool: Failed to connect to '' - ConnectException: 'Connection refused (Connection refused)'.

Restart Cassandra

  1. On the deployer node, SSH to the target node.

  2. Restart Cassandra. When the No gossip backlog; proceeding message is displayed, hit Enter to continue.

    $ cassandra
    INFO  [main] 2020-11-10 17:22:49,306 - Waiting for gossip to settle…​
    INFO  [main] 2020-11-10 17:22:57,307 - No gossip backlog; proceeding
  3. Check the status of Cassandra. Make sure that it is in UN status ("Up" and "Normal").

    $ nodetool status


Shut Down MongoDB

  1. Check the status of the MongDB

    $ ps -ef | grep mongod
  2. Connect to the Mongo shell.

    $ mongo --tls --tlsCAFile /opt/autoid/mongo/certs/rootCA.pem --tlsCertificateKeyFile /opt/autoid/mongo/certs/mongodb.pem
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames --host <ip-address>
    MongoDB shell version v4.2.9
    connecting to: mongodb://<ip-address>:27017/?compressors=disabled&gssapiServiceName=mongodb
    2020-10-08T18:46:23.285+0000 W  NETWORK  [js] The server certificate does not match the hostname. Hostname: <ip-address> does not match CN: mongonode
    Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("22c0123-30e3-4dc9-9d16-5ec310e1ew7b") }
    MongoDB server version: 4.2.9
  3. Switch the admin table.

    > use admin
    switched to db admin
  4. Authenticate using the password set in vault.yml file.

    > db.auth("root", "Welcome123")
  5. Start the shutdown process.

    > db.shutdownServer()
    2020-10-08T18:47:06.396+0000 I  NETWORK  [js] DBClientConnection failed to receive message from <ip-address>:27017 - SocketException: short read
    server should be down…​
    2020-10-08T18:47:06.399+0000 I  NETWORK  [js] trying reconnect to <ip-address>:27017 failed
    2020-10-08T18:47:06.399+0000 I  NETWORK  [js] reconnect <ip-address>:27017 failed
  6. Exit the mongo shell.

    $ quit()
    or <Ctrl-C>
  7. Check the status of the MongDB

    $ ps -ef | grep mongod
    no instance of mongod found

Restart MongoDB

  1. Re-start the MongoDB service.

    $ /usr/bin/mongod --config /opt/autoid/mongo/mongo.conf
    about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections.
    forked process: 31227
    child process started successfully, parent exiting
  2. Check the status of the MongDB

    $ ps -ef | grep mongod
    autoid    9245     1  0 18:48 ?        00:00:45 /usr/bin/mongod --config /opt/autoid/mongo/mongo.conf
    autoid   22003  6037  0 21:12 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto mongod

== Apache Spark

  1. On the deployer node, SSH to the target node.

  2. Check Spark status. Make sure that it is up-and-running.

  3. Stop the Spark Master and workers.

    $ /opt/autoid/spark/spark-2.4.4-bin-hadoop2.7/sbin/
    localhost: stopping org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker
    stopping org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master
  4. Check the Spark status again. You should see: Unable to retrieve htp://localhost:8080: Connection refused.

Restart Spark

  1. On the deployer node, SSH to the target node.

  2. Start the Spark Master and workers. Enter the user password on the target node when prompted.

    $ /opt/autoid/spark/spark-2.4.4-bin-hadoop2.7/sbin/
    starting org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master, logging to /opt/autoid/spark/spark-2.4.4-bin-hadoop2.7/logs/spark-a
    autoid-2 password:
    localhost: starting org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker, logging to /opt/autoid/spark/spark-2.4.4-bin-hadoop2.7/l
  3. Check the Spark status again. Make sure that it is up-and-running.

Apache Livy

Apache Livy lets you manage Spark Clusters context management using a simple REST interface.

Stop and Start Livy

  1. Stop Livy.

    $ /opt/autoid/apache-livy/apache-livy-080-incubating-SNAPSHOT-bin/bin/livy-server stop
  2. Start Livy.

    $ /opt/autoid/apache-livy/apache-livy-080-incubating-SNAPSHOT-bin/bin/livy-server start

Accessing log files

Autonomous Identity provides different log files to monitor or troubleshoot your system.

Getting Docker container information

  1. On the target node, get system wide information about the Docker deployment. The information shows the number of containers running, paused, and stopped containers as well as other information about the deployment.

    $ docker info
  2. If you want to get debug information, use the -D option. The option specifies that all docker commands will output additional debug information.

    $ docker -D info
  3. Get information on all of your containers on your system.

    $ docker ps -a
  4. Get information on the docker images on your system.

    $ docker images
  5. Get docker service information on your system.

    $ docker service ls
  6. Get docker the logs for a service.

    $ docker service logs <service-name>

    For example, to access the nginx service logs:

    $ docker service logs nginx_nginx

    Other useful arguments:

    • --details. Show extra details.

    • --follow, -f. Follow log output. The command will stream new output from STDOUT and STDERR.

    • --no-trunc. Do not truncate output.

    • --tail {n|all}. Show the number of lines from the end of log files, where n is the number of lines or all for all lines.

    • --timestamps, -t. Show timestamps.

Getting Cassandra logs

The Apache Cassandra output log is kicked off at startup. Autonomous Identity pipes the output to a log file in the directory, /opt/autoid/.

  1. On the target node, get the log file for the Cassandra install.

    $ cat /opt/autoid/cassandra/installcassandra.log
  2. Get startup information. Cassandra writes to cassandra.out at startup.

    $ cat /opt/autoid/cassandra.out
  3. Get the general Cassandra log file.

    $ cat /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/logs/system.log

    By default, the log level is set to INFO. You can change the log level by editing the /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/conf/logback.xml file. After any edits, the change will take effect immediately. No restart is necessary. The log levels from most to least verbose are as follows:

    • TRACE

    • DEBUG

    • INFO

    • WARN

    • ERROR

    • FATAL

  4. Get the JVM garbage collector logs.

    $ cat /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/logs/gc.log.<number>.current

    For example:

    $ cat /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/logs/gc.log.0.current

    The output is configured in the /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/conf/ file. Add the following JVM properties to enable them:

    • JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:+PrintGCDetails"

    • JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps"

    • JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC"

    • JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime"

  5. Get the debug log.

    $ cat /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/logs/debug.log

Other useful Cassandra monitoring tools and files

Apache Cassandra has other useful monitoring tools that you can use to observe or diagnose and issue. To access the complete list of options, refer to the Apache Cassandra documentation.

  1. View statistics for a cluster, such as IP address, load, number of tokens,

    $ /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/bin/nodetool status
  2. View statistics for a node, such as uptime, load, key cache hit, rate, and other information.

    $ /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/bin/nodetool info
  3. View the Cassandra configuration file to determine how properties are pre-set.

    $ cat /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/conf/cassandra.yaml

Apache Spark logs

Apache Spark provides several ways to monitor the server after an analytics run.

  1. To get an overall status of the Spark server, point your browser to http://<spark-master-ip>:8080.

  2. Print the logging message sent to the output file during an analytics run.

    $ cat /opt/autoid/spark/spark-2.4.4-bin-hadoop2.7/logs/<file-name>

    For example:

    $ cat /opt/autoid/spark/spark-2.4.4-bin-hadoop2.7/logs/spark-org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master-1-autonomous-id-test.out
  3. Print the data logs that were written during an analytics run.

    $ cat /data/log/files/<filename>

    For example:

    $ cat /data/log/files/f6c0870e-5782-441e-b145-b0e662f05f79.log

Updating IDP Certificates

When an IDP provider changes their certificates, you can update these certificates in Autonomous Identity.

  1. SSH to the target machine.

  2. View the current certificate settings in the docker-compose.yml file, and locate the NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS property

    $ vi /opt/autoid/res/api/docker-compose.yml
    NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=/opt/app/cert/<customer ID>-sso.pem
  3. Access your IDP URL, and export the .cer file from the browser.

  4. Convert the .cer file into a .pem file using the following command:

    $ openssl x509 -in certificatename.cer -outform PEM -out certificatename.pem
  5. Open the docker-compose.yml file and update the NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS property.

    $ vi /opt/autoid/res/api/docker-compose.yml
  6. Restart the Autonomous Identity services.

    $ docker stack rm api
    $ docker stack deploy --with-registry-auth --compose-file
    $ /opt/autoid/res/api/docker-compose.yml api
    $ docker service update --force ui_zoran-ui
    $ docker service update --force nginx_nginx

Changing the Cassandra zoran_dba and zoran_user passwords

During deployment, Autonomous Identity creates two user accounts to interact with the Cassandra database: zoran_dba and zoran_user. The zoran_dba is an administrator or superuser account used by Autonomous Identity to set up the Cassandra database. The zoran_user is a non-admin account used to log in to the Cassandra command-line interface, cqlsh.

You can change the passwords after deploying Autonomous Identity using cqlsh.

Change the Cassandra zoran_dba and zoran_user passwords
  1. Access cqlsh.

    $ cqlsh -u zoran_dba -p admin_password
    Connected to Zoran Cluster at <server-ip>:9042.
    [cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 3.11.2 | CQL spec 3.4.4 | Native protocol v4]
    Use HELP for help.
  2. In cqlsh, change the zoran_dba password:

    zoran_dba@cqlsh>ALTER USER zoran_dba WITH PASSWORD 'new_admin_password';
  3. Use a text editor and change the environment variables in the /opt/autoid/res/jas/docker-compose.yml file:

    - CASSANDRA_DB_PASSWORD=new_admin_password
  4. Remove the running container and redeploy it:

    $ docker stack rm jas
    $ **docker stack deploy --with-registry-auth --compose-file /opt/autoid/res/jas/docker-compose.yml jas
  5. Update the zoran_user password:

    zoran_dba@cqlsh>ALTER USER zoran_user WITH PASSWORD 'new_user_password';

Change MongoDB password post-deployment

You can update the MongoDB password by running the following steps on a running instance of MongoDB.

Update the various parameters for host IP and current root password as pertains to your environment. Also, the --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames parameter is necessary if you are using self-signed certificates.

  1. Open the MongoDB shell. Use your host IP and root password:

    mongo admin --host --tls \
    --tlsCertificateKeyFile /opt/autoid/certs/mongo/mongodb.pem \
    --tlsCAFile /opt/autoid/certs/mongo/rootCA.pem \
    --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames \
    --username root \
    --password 'current_root_password'
  2. On the MongoDB shell, run the changeUserPassword command:

  3. Update the password as an environment variable in the JAS service. Update the following variable in the /opt/autoid/res/jas/docker-compose.yml file:

    - MONGO_ROOT_PASSWORD=new_password
  4. Delete the currently running JAS container and redeploy:

    docker stack rm jas
    docker stack deploy \
    --with-registry-auth \
    --compose-file /opt/autoid/res/jas/docker-compose.yml jas
  5. Check that there are no stack errors in the container logs. The logs should show successful connections to MongoDB:

    2022-11-21 19:07:40, 257 INFO c.m.d.l.SLF4JLogger
    Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:2, serverValue:30}] to
    2022-11-21 19:07:40, 257 INFO c.m.d.l.SLF4JLogger
    Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:1, serverValue:31}] to
    2022-11-21 19:07:40, 257 INFO c.m.d.l.SLF4JLogger
    Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description
    ServerDescription{address=, type=STANDALONE, State=CONNECTED,
    ok=true, minWireVersion=0, maxWireVersion=9, maxDocumentSize=16777216,
    logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes=30, roundTripTimeNanos=221098137}
    2022-11-21 19:07:45, 383 INFO c.m.d.l.SLF4JLogger [main]
    Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:3, serverValue:32}] to