Interface ScriptOnResourceApiOp

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public interface ScriptOnResourceApiOp extends APIOperation
Runs a script on the target resource that a connector manages. This API operation is supported only for a connector that implements ScriptOnResourceOp.

The contract here at the API level is intentionally very loose. Each connector decides what script languages it supports, what running a script on a target resource actually means, and what script options (if any) that connector supports. Refer to the javadoc of each particular connector for more information.

  • Method Details

    • runScriptOnResource

      Object runScriptOnResource(ScriptContext request, OperationOptions options)
      Runs a script on a specific target resource.
      request - The script and arguments to run.
      options - Additional options which control how the script is run. Please refer to the connector documentation for supported options.
      The result of the script. The return type must be a type that the connector framework supports for serialization. See ObjectSerializerFactory for a list of supported return types.