Interface ConnectorFacade

All Superinterfaces:
APIOperation, AuthenticationApiOp, BatchApiOp, ConnectorEventSubscriptionApiOp, CreateApiOp, DeleteApiOp, GetApiOp, ResolveUsernameApiOp, SchemaApiOp, ScriptOnConnectorApiOp, ScriptOnResourceApiOp, SearchApiOp, SyncApiOp, SyncEventSubscriptionApiOp, TestApiOp, UpdateApiOp, ValidateApiOp

Main interface through which an application invokes Connector operations. Represents at the API level a specific instance of a Connector that has been configured in a specific way.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getConnectorFacadeKey

      String getConnectorFacadeKey()
      Gets the unique generated identifier of this ConnectorFacade. It's not guarantied that the equivalent configuration will generate the same configuration key. Always use the generated value and maintain it in the external application.
      identifier of this ConnectorFacade instance.
    • getSupportedOperations

      Set<Class<? extends APIOperation>> getSupportedOperations()
      Get the set of operations that this ConnectorFacade will support.
    • getOperation

      APIOperation getOperation(Class<? extends APIOperation> clazz)
      Get an instance of an operation that this facade supports.
    • isOperational

      default boolean isOperational()
      Return whether this ConnectorFacade is operational.
      true if operational, otherwise false