Class ProxyPolicyEvaluator

  • @SupportedAll
    public class ProxyPolicyEvaluator
    extends Object
    As of OpenSSO Express 8.0, use Evaluator instead as Entitlement has replaced Policy.
    Class that lets a priviliged user to compute policy results for another user. Only privileged users can get ProxyPolicyEvaluator - only top level administrator, realm level policy administrator, realm administrator or realm policy administrator can get ProxyPolicyEvaluator. Top level administrator can compute policy results for any user. Realm administrator or policy administrator can compute policy results only for users who are members of the realm (including sub realm) that they manage. If they try to compute policys result for any other user, they would get a PolicyException. This class can be used only within the web container running policy server.
    • Method Detail

      • getPolicyDecisionIgnoreSubjects

        public PolicyDecision getPolicyDecisionIgnoreSubjects​(String resourceName,
                                                              Set actionNames,
                                                              Map env)
                                                       throws PolicyException,
        Gets policy decision for a resource, skipping subject evaluation. Conditions would be evaluated and would include applicable advices in policy decisions. Hence, you could get details such as AuthLevel, AuthScheme that would be required to access the resource.
        resourceName - name of the resource for which to compute policy decision
        actionNames - names of the actions the user is trying to perform on the resource
        env - run time environment parameters
        the policy decision for the principal for the given resource
        PolicyException - exception form policy framework
        SSOException - if single sign on token is invalid