Interface ResponseProvider

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ResponseProvider
    extends Cloneable
    The class ResponseProvider defines an interface to allow pluggable response providers into the OpenAM framework. These are used to provide policy response attributes. Policy response attributes are different from ActionDecision. Policy response attributes typically provide attribute values of user profile. User profile could exist in any data store managed by Identity repository. However, reponse attributes are not restricted to attributes from user profile. Source of the attribute values is completely at the discretion of the specific implementation of the ResponseProvider.

    The response provider is initialized by calling its initialize() method. Its also configured by setting its properites by a call to setProperties() method.

    Response attribute names are not checked against schema of the service registered with OpenAM. (ActionDecision attributes are checked against the schema of the service registered with OpenAM). A Response Provider computes a Map of response attributes and their values based on the SSOToken, resource name and environment Map passed in the method call getResponseDecision(). Policy framework would make a call getResponseDecision from the ResponseProvider(s) associated with a policy only if the policy is applicable to a request as determined by SSOToken, resource name, Subjects and Conditions.

    The only out-of-the-box ResponseProvider implementation provided with the Policy framework would be IDRepoResponseProvider. All ResponseProvider implementations should have a public no argument constructor.

    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        void initialize​(Map configParams)
                 throws PolicyException
        Initialize the ResponseProvider
        configParams - Map of the configurational information
        PolicyException - if an error occured during initialization of the instance
      • getPropertyNames

        List getPropertyNames()
        Returns a list of property names for the Response provider.
        list of property names
      • getPropertySyntax

        Syntax getPropertySyntax​(String property)
        Returns the syntax for a property name
        property - property name
        Syntax for the property name
        See Also:
      • getDisplayName

        String getDisplayName​(String property,
                              Locale locale)
                       throws PolicyException
        Gets the display name for the property name. The locale variable could be used by the plugin to customize the display name for the given locale. The locale variable could be null, in which case the plugin must use the default locale.
        property - property name
        locale - locale for which the property name must be customized
        display name for the property name.
        PolicyException - If the display name could not be retrieved.
      • getValidValues

        Set getValidValues​(String property)
                    throws PolicyException
        Returns a set of valid values given the property name. This method is called if the property Syntax is either the SINGLE_CHOICE or MULTIPLE_CHOICE.
        property - String representing property name
        Set of valid values for the property.
        PolicyException - if unable to get the Syntax.
      • setProperties

        void setProperties​(Map properties)
                    throws PolicyException
        Sets the properties of the responseProvider plugin. This influences the response attribute-value Map that would be computed by a call to method getResponseDecision(Map) These attribute-value pairs are encapsulated in ResponseAttribute element tag which is a child of the PolicyDecision element in the PolicyResponse xml if the policy is applicable to the user for the resource, subject and conditions defined.
        properties - the properties of the ResponseProvider Keys of the properties have to be String. Value corresponding to each key have to be a Set of String elements. Each implementation of ResponseProvider could add further restrictions on the keys and values of this map.
        PolicyException - for any abnormal condition
      • getProperties

        Map getProperties()
        Gets the properties of the response provider.
        properties of the response provider.
        See Also:
      • getResponseDecision

        Map getResponseDecision​(SSOToken token,
                                Map env)
                         throws PolicyException,
        Gets the response attributes computed by this ResponseProvider object, based on the SSOToken and Map of environment parameters.
        token - single-sign-on token of the user
        env - request specific environment map of key/value pairs
        a Map of response attributes. Keys of the Map are attribute names of type static and dynamic. Value is a Set of response attribute values (String).
        PolicyException - if the decision could not be computed
        SSOException - If the token is not valid.
      • clone

        Object clone()
        Returns a copy of this object.
        an Object which is a copy of this object