Class XACMLRequestProcessor

  • @SupportedAll
    public class XACMLRequestProcessor
    extends Object
    This class provides the public API to process XACML context Request. This class accepts XACML context Request to get authorization decision, posts the request to PDP using SAML2 profile, gets SAML Response back, extacts XACML context Response from the XACMLAuthzDecisionStatement returned in SAML Response and returns the XACML context Response. XACML context Response includes the xacml context Result with the XACML context authorization Decision
    • Method Detail

      • processRequest

        public Response processRequest​(Request xacmlRequest,
                                       String pdpEntityId,
                                       String pepEntityId)
                                throws XACMLException,
        Processes an XACML context Request and returns an XACML context Response.
        xacmlRequest - XACML context Request. This describes the Resource(s), Subject(s), Action, Environment of the request and corresponds to XACML context schema element Request. One would contruct this Request object using XACML client SDK.
        pdpEntityId - EntityID of PDP
        pepEntityId - EntityID of PEP
        XACML context Response. This corresponds to XACML context schema element Response
        XACMLException - if request could not be processed