Interface Token

  • public interface Token
    A simple domain value responsible for modelling a Core Token Service Token. This container is intended to be generic and has little knowledge of the data it is storing. The Token is backed by the CoreTokenField enumeration which contains the known fields that can be written to. Every value being stored must be mapped to one of these CoreTokenFields. There are some read only fields which can only be set during initialisation of the Token. The Token models the data stored in two ways. Firstly the primary fields of the Token are accessible via getters and setters. All other fields are accessed in a more generic way.
    • Method Detail

      • getTokenId

        String getTokenId()
        The unique id for this Token.
      • getType

        TokenType getType()
        The TokenType of the Token.
      • getUserId

        String getUserId()
        The unique id for the user.
      • setUserId

        void setUserId​(String userId)
        userId - The unique id for the user.
      • getExpiryTimestamp

        Calendar getExpiryTimestamp()
        The timestamp (with timezone information) when the Token is due to expire.
      • setExpiryTimestamp

        void setExpiryTimestamp​(Calendar expiryDate)
        expiryDate - Assign the timestamp of when the Token will expire.
      • getBlob

        byte[] getBlob()
        A binary representation of the Token being stored can be placed in the Token. This ensures that attributes that are not modelled at the Token level can still be persisted.
        The the serialised binary object for this Token.
      • setBlob

        void setBlob​(byte[] data)
        data - Assign the binary data that represents the object being stored in the Token.
      • getAttributeNames

        Collection<CoreTokenField> getAttributeNames()
        The Token supports being accessed in a generic way allowing a caller to iterate over all fields that are assigned in this token.
        A non null, non modifiable list of the CoreTokenField fields currently assigned.
      • getAttribute

        <T> T getAttribute​(CoreTokenField field)
        Accessor for the CoreTokenField attributes.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the value stored. Note: this is not enforced and the caller is responsible for determining the correct type to request. See CoreTokenFieldTypes for more details.
        field - The CoreTokenField to request the value for.
        The value assigned which may be null.
      • getMultiAttribute

        <T> Set<T> getMultiAttribute​(CoreTokenField field)
        Accessor for the multi-value CoreTokenField attributes.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the value stored in the Set. Note: this is not enforced and the caller is responsible for determining the correct type to request. See CoreTokenFieldTypes for more details.
        field - The CoreTokenField to request the value for.
        A possible empty, non null Set containing the values assigned to the multi-value attribute.
      • setMultiAttribute

        <T> void setMultiAttribute​(CoreTokenField field,
                                   T value)
        Mutator for the fields of the Token.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the value stored in the Set. See CoreTokenFieldTypes for more details.
        field - The CoreTokenField field to store the value against.
        value - The possibly null value to store in this Token.
      • setAttribute

        <T> void setAttribute​(CoreTokenField field,
                              T value)
        Mutator for the non-primary fields of the Token.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the value stored. See CoreTokenFieldTypes for more details.
        field - The CoreTokenField field to store the value against.
        value - The possibly null value to store in this Token.
      • clearAttribute

        void clearAttribute​(CoreTokenField field)
        Clear a set attribute. Regardless of whether the attribute was set, it will be cleared as a result of this call.
        field - Non null field to clear.
      • isFieldReadOnly

        static boolean isFieldReadOnly​(CoreTokenField field)
        Trying to change a read-only field will trigger a runtime exception.
        field - The CoreTokenField to check.
        True if the field is read only, and cannot be changed once assigned.
      • toString

        String toString()
        Returns a formatted version of the Token which is intended to be human readable. Some of the field values have been formatted to ensure that their contents are more meaningful. Note: This is not a machine readable/parsable format. This function is only intended for debugging use only as its conversion logic will not be performant.
        toString in class Object
        Non null string which describes the Token.
      • toPartialToken

        PartialToken toPartialToken()
        Converts this Token into a PartialToken containing all of the populated fields.
        A PartialToken.
      • getETag

        Optional<ETag> getETag()
        A read only copy of the backing CTS implementation ETag.

        Requests to the CTSPersistentStore which include the CTSOptions.ETAG_READ_OPTION option should populate this Token with an ETag.

        This concurrency check can then be included in subsequent modify requests to verify that the Token stored in the backing implementation has not been modified by another caller in the mean time.

        Note: The value of this field (getETag()) is not used by the backing CTS implementation, but rather the value passed in using the Options.

        Note: This feature may not be available or not configured in the backing implementation of the CTS.

        An Optional which if present indicates that an ETag was received for this Token from the backing CTS implementation.
        See Also:
      • copyWithEtag

        Token copyWithEtag​(ETag etag)
        Make a shallow copy of this token and add the given etag.
        etag - the etag to add to the token
        A Token