Class Claim

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class Claim
    extends Object
    Models an OpenID Connect claim that has been requested in an authorize request.

    See Claims in the OIDC specification.

    Instances of this class are immutable.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Claim

        protected Claim​(String name,
                        Locale locale,
                        List<Object> values,
                        boolean essential)
        The constructor.
        name - the name of this Claim
        locale - the locale for this Claim
        values - the value(s) of this Claim
        essential - whether this Claim is essential
    • Method Detail

      • getLocale

        public String getLocale()
        Gets the locale of this claim.

        See Claims Languages and Scripts in the OIDC specification.

        the locale language tag of this claim, or null if none exists
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Gets the name of this claim without the locale suffix.
        the name of this claim
      • getNameWithLocale

        public String getNameWithLocale()
        Gets the name of this claim with the locale appended after a '#' character.
        the name and locale of this claim
      • getValues

        public List<Object> getValues()
        Get the value(s) of this claim.
        the value(s) of this claim
      • isEssential

        public boolean isEssential()
        Get whether the claim is essential.
        whether the claim is essential
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object