
An LDAP based security provider having the name "OpenDJ" and exposing an LDAP/LDIF based KeyStore service. The key store has the type "LDAP" and alias "OPENDJ" and can be created using a number of approaches. Firstly, by directly calling one of the factory methods in OpenDjSecurityProvider:
 ConnectionFactory ldapServer = ...;
 Dn keyStoreBaseDn = Dn.valueOf("ou=key store,dc=example,dc=com");
 Options options = Options.defaultOptions();

 KeyStore ldapKeyStore = OpenDjSecurityProvider.newLdapKeyStore(ldapServer, keyStoreBaseDn, options);

Alternatively, if the OpenDJ security provider is registered with the JVM's JCA framework together with a suitable configuration file, then an LDAP key store can be created like this:

 KeyStore ldapKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("LDAP");

The configuration file should be specified as the provider argument in the JVM's security configuration. It supports the following options:

 # If this option is set then the LDAP key store will be LDIF file based. This is useful for testing.

 # Otherwise use LDAP. Note that only a simple single-server configuration is supported for now since applications
 # are expected to configure directly using KeyStore.load(KeyStoreParameters).

 # The base DN beneath which key store entries will be located. store,dc=example,dc=com

Interacting with an LDAP/LDIF key store using Java's "keytool" command is a little complicated if the OpenDJ provider is not configured in the JVM due to the need to specify the class-path:

 # Generate an RSA private key entry:
 keytool -J-cp -J/path/to/opendj/server/lib/bootstrap-client.jar \
         -providerName OpenDJ -providerClass \
         -providerArg /path/to/keystore.conf \
         -storetype LDAP -keystore NONE -storepass changeit -keypass changeit \
         -genkey -alias "private-key" -keyalg rsa \
         -ext "" \
         -dname ",O=Example Corp,C=FR"

 # Generate an AES secret key entry:
 keytool -J-cp -J/path/to/opendj/server/lib/bootstrap-client.jar \
         -providerName OpenDJ -providerClass \
         -providerArg /path/to/keystore.conf \
         -storetype LDAP -keystore NONE -storepass changeit -keypass changeit \
         -genseckey -alias "secret-key" -keyalg AES -keysize 128

 # Import a trusted certificate from raw ASN1 content:
 keytool -J-cp -J/path/to/opendj/server/lib/bootstrap-client.jar \
         -providerName OpenDJ -providerClass \
         -providerArg /path/to/keystore.conf \
         -storetype LDAP -keystore NONE -storepass changeit -keypass changeit \
         -importcert -alias "trusted-cert" -file /path/to/cert.crt

 # Import a trusted certificate from PEM file:
 keytool -J-cp -J/path/to/opendj/server/lib/bootstrap-client.jar \
         -providerName OpenDJ -providerClass \
         -providerArg /path/to/keystore.conf \
         -storetype LDAP -keystore NONE -storepass changeit -keypass changeit \
         -importcert -alias "trusted-cert" -file /path/to/cert.pem

 # List the contents of the key store:
 keytool -J-cp -J/path/to/opendj/server/lib/bootstrap-client.jar \
         -providerName OpenDJ -providerClass \
         -providerArg /path/to/keystore.conf \
         -storetype LDAP -keystore NONE -storepass changeit -keypass changeit \
         -list -v

The LDAP key store will store objects in entries directly beneath the key store's base DN. The base DN entry is expected to already exist. Private key and secret key entries are protected by 128-bit AES symmetric key derived using PBKDF2 from the key's password, if provided, and the key store's global password, if provided. If both passwords are provided then the keys will be encrypted twice. This does not provide additional protection but does provide more control over access to a single key store. For example, multiple applications may be able to access a single key store, with each application protecting their sensitive data using their individual password.

The LDAP schema used for the key store is contained in this JAR as resource and can be obtained using OpenDjSecurityProviderSchema.getSchemaLdifResource(). Alternatively, clients may build a Schema using the method OpenDjSecurityProviderSchema.addOpenDjSecurityProviderSchema(org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.SchemaBuilder).