Class ScramCredential

  • public final class ScramCredential
    extends Object
    The SCRAM credential data persisted in the server using the representation described in RFC 5803 which is a specialization of RFC 3112.
    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static ScramCredential valueOf​(String rfc5803String)
        Parses the provided RFC 5803 representation of a SCRAM credential as a ScramCredential.
        rfc5803String - The RFC 5803 representation of a SCRAM credential.
        The parsed SCRAM credential.
        LocalizedIllegalArgumentException - If the SCRAM credential could not be parsed.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns the RFC 5803 representation of this SCRAM credential without the mechanism name.
        toString in class Object
        The RFC 5803 representation of this SCRAM credential without the mechanism name.