Class PasswordPolicyException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    com.sun.identity.shared.locale.L10NMessage, Serializable

    public class PasswordPolicyException
    extends IdRepoException
    The exception class whose instance is thrown if there is any error related with password issue.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • PasswordPolicyException

        public PasswordPolicyException​(String msg)
        Create a new password policy exception with a custom error message
        msg - the error message
      • PasswordPolicyException

        public PasswordPolicyException​(ResultCode resultCode,
                                       String errorCode,
                                       Object... args)
        Create a new Password policy exception
        resultCode - the LDAP error code
        errorCode - the error code
        args - the arguments required for this error code.
      • PasswordPolicyException

        public PasswordPolicyException​(IdRepoException e)
        Create a password policy exception from an id repo exception.
        e - the id repo exception
      • PasswordPolicyException

        public PasswordPolicyException​(IdRepoException e,
                                       Object[] args)
        Create a password policy exception from an id repo exception.
        e - the id repo exception
        args - the arguments required for this error code.
      • PasswordPolicyException

        public PasswordPolicyException​(String errorCode,
                                       Object[] args)
        Create a new Password policy exception
        errorCode - the error code
        args - the arguments required for this error code.