Class ObligationImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • ObligationImpl

        public ObligationImpl()
        Default constructor
      • ObligationImpl

        public ObligationImpl​(String xml)
                       throws XACMLException
        This constructor is used to build Obligation object from an XML string.
        xml - a String representation of Obligation object
        XACMLException - if it could not process the XML string
      • ObligationImpl

        public ObligationImpl​(Element element)
                       throws XACMLException
        This constructor is used to build ObligationImpl object from a block of existing XML that has already been built into a DOM.
        element - DOM tree for Request object
        XACMLException - If it could not process the Element.
    • Method Detail

      • getObligationId

        public URI getObligationId()
        Returns the ObligationId of this Obligation
        Specified by:
        getObligationId in interface Obligation
        the URI representing ObligationId of this Obligation
      • setObligationId

        public void setObligationId​(URI obligationId)
                             throws XACMLException
        Sets the ObligationId of the Obligation
        Specified by:
        setObligationId in interface Obligation
        obligationId - URI representing the ObligationId.
        XACMLException - if the object is immutable
      • getFulfillOn

        public String getFulfillOn()
        Returns the FullFillOn effect type of this obligation
        Specified by:
        getFulfillOn in interface Obligation
        the FullFillOn effect type of this obligation
      • getAttributeAssignments

        public List getAttributeAssignments()
        Returns XML elements corresponding to AttributeAssignment elements for this obligation.
        Specified by:
        getAttributeAssignments in interface Obligation
        the XML elements corresponding to AttributeAssignment elements for this obligation.
      • setAttributeAssignments

        public void setAttributeAssignments​(List attributeAssignments)
                                     throws XACMLException
        Sets XML elements corresponding to AttributeAssignment elements for this obligation.
        Specified by:
        setAttributeAssignments in interface Obligation
        attributeAssignments - XML elements corresponding to AttributeAssignment elements for this obligation.
      • toDocumentFragment

        public DocumentFragment toDocumentFragment​(Document document,
                                                   boolean includeNSPrefix,
                                                   boolean declareNS)
                                            throws SAML2Exception
        Description copied from interface: XmlSerializable
        Serializes the element into an XML DocumentFragment. A default implementation is provided for compatibility with legacy code that implements XmlSerializable.toXMLString(), but it is highly recommended to override this method.
        Specified by:
        toDocumentFragment in interface XmlSerializable
        document - the parent Document to create the document fragment from.
        includeNSPrefix - whether to include a namespace prefix in the document elements.
        declareNS - whether to declare any namespaces or assume that they are already declared.
        the XML document fragment representing this SAML2 element.
        SAML2Exception - if the element cannot be serialized for any reason.
      • makeImmutable

        public void makeImmutable()
        Makes this object immutable
        Specified by:
        makeImmutable in interface Obligation
      • isMutable

        public boolean isMutable()
        Checks if this object is mutable
        Specified by:
        isMutable in interface Obligation
        true if the object is mutable, false otherwise