Interface TokenDeletionStrategy

  • public interface TokenDeletionStrategy
    Is responsible for deleting expired tokens and performing any post-processing.

    Implementations should be made available to the TokenDeleter via the Java ServiceLoader framework.

    At most one TokenDeletionStrategy should be defined per TokenType.

    • Method Detail

      • getSupportedTokenTypes

        Set<TokenType> getSupportedTokenTypes()
        Returns the set of token types this deletion strategy can handle. Must not intersect with any other TokenDeletionStrategys.
        The set of supported token types
      • delete

        Promise<PartialToken,​CoreTokenException> delete​(String tokenId,
                                                              TokenType tokenType,
                                                              long expiryTime)
        Delete the token from the CTS persistence store.
        tokenId - The ID of the token to be deleted.
        tokenType - The type of the token to be deleted.
        expiryTime - The time at which this token is currently due to expire and be eligible for deletion.
        A promise which allows the caller to know when the delete request completed and whether or not any exception was thrown in the attempt.