Interface IdentityService.IdentityAttributeUpdater

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static interface IdentityService.IdentityAttributeUpdater
    A builder which allows several changes to the attributes to be combined into a single update operation per attribute type. Several of these may exist at once, and an individual updater can have store called multiple times.
    • Method Detail

      • setAttributes

        IdentityService.IdentityAttributeUpdater setAttributes​(Map attrMap)
                                                        throws IdRepoException,
        Sets the values of attributes. This method should be followed by the method "store" to commit the changes to the Repository. This method is only valid for Identity objects of type User and Agent.
        attrMap - is a map of attribute name (String) to a Set of attribute values (String). It is arranged as: Map::attrMap --> Key: String::AttributeName Value: Set::AttributeValues (Set of String)
        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid
      • setBinaryAttributes

        IdentityService.IdentityAttributeUpdater setBinaryAttributes​(Map attrMap)
                                                              throws IdRepoException,
        Set the values of binary attributes. This method should be followed by the method "store" to commit the changes to the Repository

        This method is only valid for Identity objects of type User and Agent.

        attrMap - Map of attribute-values to be set in the repository or repositories (if multiple plugins are configured for "edit")
        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid
      • removeAttributes

        IdentityService.IdentityAttributeUpdater removeAttributes​(Set<String> attrNames)
                                                           throws IdRepoException,
        Removes the attributes from the identity entry. This method should be followed by a "store" to commit the changes to the Repository.

        This method is only valid for Identity objects of type User and Agent.

        attrNames - Set of attribute names to be removed
        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions
        SSOException - If the user's single sign on token is invalid
      • store

        void store()
            throws IdRepoException,
        Stores the attributes of the object.

        This method is only valid for Identity objects of type User and Agent.

        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions
        SSOException - If user's single sign on token is invalid