Class Delete

  • public final class Delete
    extends Operation
    Class that represents the Delete operation type in API descriptor.
    • Method Detail

      • delete

        public static Delete.Builder delete()
        Creates a new builder for Delete.
        New builder instance
      • allocateToResource

        protected void allocateToResource​(Resource.Builder resourceBuilder)
        Allocates the Delete operation type to the given Resource Builder.
        Specified by:
        allocateToResource in class Operation
        resourceBuilder - - Resource Builder to add the operation
      • fromAnnotation

        public static Delete fromAnnotation​(Delete delete,
                                            ApiDescription descriptor,
                                            Class<?> relativeType)
        Builds a Delete object from the data in the Delete annotation.
        delete - Delete annotation where the data stored
        descriptor - The root descriptor to add definitions to.
        relativeType - The type relative to which schema resources should be resolved.
        Delete instance