Class JwtReconstruction

    • Constructor Detail

      • JwtReconstruction

        public JwtReconstruction()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • recognizedHeaders

        public JwtReconstruction recognizedHeaders​(String... headers)
        Configures additional application-specific header values that are understood and processed by the application. Any non-standard critical headers that are not in this list will cause processing to fail.
        headers - the set of headers to add to the recognized set.
        the updated JwtReconstruction object.
      • reconstructJwt

        public <T extends Jwt> T reconstructJwt​(String jwtString,
                                                Class<T> jwtClass)
        Reconstructs the given JWT string into a JWT object of the specified type.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of JWT the JWT string represents.
        jwtString - The JWT string.
        jwtClass - The JWT class to reconstruct the JWT string to.
        The reconstructed JWT object.
        InvalidJwtException - If the jwt does not consist of the correct number of parts or is malformed.
        JwtReconstructionException - If the jwt does not consist of the correct number of parts.
        UnrecognizedCriticalHeaderException - If the JWT contains critical headers ("crit") that are not recognized by the application.