Class TransactionId

  • public final class TransactionId
    extends Object
    TransactionId value should be unique per request coming from an external agent so that all events occurring in response to the same external stimulus can be tied together. Calls to external systems should propagate the value returned by createSubTransactionId() so that Audit events reported by the external system can also be tied back to the original stimulus. Due to the fact that each TransactionId instance creates a sequence of sub-transaction IDs, the same TransactionId object should be used while fulfilling a given request; it is not appropriate to create multiple instances of TransactionId with the same value as this would lead to duplicate sub-transaction ID values. As such, two instances of TransactionId with the same value are not considered equal. This class is thread-safe.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TransactionId

        public TransactionId()
        Construct a TransactionId with a random value.
      • TransactionId

        public TransactionId​(String value)
        Construct a TransactionId with the specified value. The value must not be null nor empty.
        value - The value to initialize the transactionId from.
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public String getValue()
        Returns the value of this TransactionId.
        Non-null, TransactionId value.
      • createSubTransactionId

        public TransactionId createSubTransactionId()
        Creates a new TransactionId, child of this one.
        Non-null, TransactionId value that can be passed to an external system.
      • toJson

        public JsonValue toJson()
        Returns a representation of this TransactionId as a JsonValue. The JsonValue will be composed of 2 fields : value and subTransactionIdCounter.
        a representation of this TransactionId as a JsonValue.
      • valueOf

        public static TransactionId valueOf​(JsonValue value)
        Creates a TransactionId from a JsonValue.
        value - the JsonValue used to create the TransactionId, composed of 2 fields : value and subTransactionIdCounter.
        a TransactionId initialized with the values provided by the JsonValue.