Interface RouteMatch

  • public interface RouteMatch
    Contains the result of routing to a particular route.
    • Method Detail

      • isBetterMatchThan

        boolean isBetterMatchThan​(RouteMatch result)
                           throws IncomparableRouteMatchException
        Determines whether this route match is better than the given rout match.

        Implementation should check that the RouteMatch can be compared to this instance.

        result - The other route match to compare to.
        true if this route match is the better, false otherwise.
        IncomparableRouteMatchException - If the provided RouteMatch could not be compared this RouteMatch instance.
      • decorateContext

        Context decorateContext​(Context context)
        Decorates the given context with any routing information for the route.
        context - The original context to decorate.
        The decorated context.