Interface SSOToken

  • @SupportedAll
    public interface SSOToken
    The SSOToken class represents a "single sign on"(SSO) token. It contains SSO token-related information such as authentication method used for authentication, authentication level of the authentication method, host name of the client that sent the request (browser). It also contains session-related information such as maximum session time, maximum session idle time and session idle time.
    • Method Detail

      • getPrincipal

        Principal getPrincipal()
                        throws SSOException
        Returns the value of the property "Principal" set to the single sign on token.
        The principal name.
        SSOException - if the single sign on token is not valid or if there are errors in getting the principal.
      • getAuthType

        String getAuthType()
                    throws SSOException
        Returns the authentication method used for authentication.
        The authentication method.
        SSOException - if the single sign on token is not valid or if there are errors in getting the authentication method.
      • getAuthLevel

        int getAuthLevel()
                  throws SSOException
        Returns the authentication level of the authentication method used for authentication.
        The authentication level.
        SSOException - if the single sign on token is not valid or if there are errors in getting the authentication level.
      • getIPAddress

        InetAddress getIPAddress()
                          throws SSOException
        Returns the IP Address of the client (browser) that sent the request.
        The IP Address of the client.
        SSOException - if the single sign on token is not valid or if there are errors in getting the IP Address of the client.
      • getHostName

        String getHostName()
                    throws SSOException
        Returns the host name of the client (browser) that sent the request.
        The host name of the client.
        SSOException - if the single sign on token is not valid or if there are errors in getting the host name of the client.
      • getTimeLeft

        long getTimeLeft()
                  throws SSOException
        Returns the time left in seconds on the session based on max session time.
        The time left in seconds on the session.
        SSOException - if the single sign on token is not valid or if there are errors in getting the maximum session time.
      • getMaxSessionTime

        long getMaxSessionTime()
                        throws SSOException
        Returns the maximum session time in minutes.
        The maximum session time in minutes.
        SSOException - if the single sign on token is not valid or if there are errors in getting the maximum session time.
      • getIdleTime

        long getIdleTime()
                  throws SSOException
        Returns the session idle time in seconds.
        The session idle time in seconds.
        SSOException - if the single sign on token is not valid or if there are errors in getting the session idle time.
      • getMaxIdleTime

        long getMaxIdleTime()
                     throws SSOException
        Returns the maximum session idle time in minutes.
        The maximum session idle time in minutes
        SSOException - if the single sign on token is not valid or if there are errors in getting the maximum idle time.
      • getTokenID

        SSOTokenID getTokenID()
        Returns single sign on token ID object.
        single sign on token ID.
      • setProperty

        void setProperty​(String name,
                         String value)
                  throws SSOException
        Sets a property for this token.
        name - The property name.
        value - The property value.
        SSOException - if the single sign on token is not valid or if there are errors in setting the property name and value.
      • getProperty

        String getProperty​(String name)
                    throws SSOException
        Gets the property stored in this token.
        name - The property name.
        The property value in string format.
        SSOException - if the single sign on token is not valid or if there are errors in getting the property value.
      • getProperty

        String getProperty​(String name,
                           boolean ignoreState)
                    throws SSOException
        Gets the property stored in this token. When ignoreState is set to true, it will return the session property value without refreshing the session even if the session state is invalid but it should be running in the server mode.
        name - The property name.
        ignoreState - The ignoreState flag.
        The property value in string format.
        SSOException - if the SSOToken is not VALID and if ignoreState is set to false.
      • getProperties

        Map<String,​String> getProperties()
                                        throws SSOException
        Get an unmodifiable map of all properties stored in this token.
        Unmodifiable map of all property values.
        SSOException - if the SSOToken was invalid or failed to be validated.
      • addSSOTokenListener

        void addSSOTokenListener​(SSOTokenListener listener)
                          throws SSOException
        Adds an SSO token listener for the token change events.
        listener - A reference to a SSOTokenListener object.
        SSOException - if the token is not valid or if there are errors in setting the SSO token listener.
      • isTokenRestricted

        boolean isTokenRestricted()
                           throws SSOException
        Returns true if the SSOTokenID associated with this SSOToken is a restricted token, false otherwise.
        true if the token is restricted.
        SSOException - If we are unable to determine if the session is restricted.
      • dereferenceRestrictedTokenID

        String dereferenceRestrictedTokenID​(SSOToken requester,
                                            String restrictedId)
                                     throws SSOException
        Given a restricted token, returns the SSOTokenID of the master token can only be used if the requester is an app token.
        requester - Must be an app token
        restrictedId - The SSOTokenID of the restricted token
        The SSOTokenID string of the master token
        SSOException - If the master token cannot be dereferenced