Class IdOperation

  • @SupportedAll
    public class IdOperation
    extends Object
    The class IdOperation defines the types of operations supported on managed identities, and provides static constants for these operation. Currently defined operations on objects are IdOperation.READ, IdOperation.EDIT, IdOperation.CREATE, IdOperation.DELETE and IdOperation.SERVICE . The usage of the respective operations are defined along with their declaration.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static IdOperation CREATE
      The CREATE operation is supported only for the plugins configured for creating identities.
      static IdOperation DELETE
      The DELETE operation is supported only for the plugins configured for creating identities.
      static IdOperation EDIT
      The EDIT operation is supported only for the plugins configured for modifying and deleting attributes from the supported identities.
      static IdOperation READ
      The READ operation is supported by default for all supported identities for all the plugins.
      static IdOperation SERVICE
      The SERVICE operation is supported only for service related functions on an identity.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      IdOperation​(String operation)
      Constructs an IdOperation of type string
    • Field Detail

      • READ

        public static final IdOperation READ
        The READ operation is supported by default for all supported identities for all the plugins. This operation means that the IdRepo SPI for the configured plugins related to reading identity attributes will be invoked.
      • EDIT

        public static final IdOperation EDIT
        The EDIT operation is supported only for the plugins configured for modifying and deleting attributes from the supported identities. This means that the IdRepo SPI for the configured plugins will be called for all modify attribute operations.
      • CREATE

        public static final IdOperation CREATE
        The CREATE operation is supported only for the plugins configured for creating identities. Not all the configured identities for a given IdRepo plugin might be supported. It is possible that a plugin might support read operations on all IdType but create operations only on the IdType.USER . In this case the create operation for that plugin is only called for user identities.
      • DELETE

        public static final IdOperation DELETE
        The DELETE operation is supported only for the plugins configured for creating identities. Not all the configured identities for a given IdRepo plugin might be supported. It is possible that a plugin might support read operations on all IdType but create or delete operations only on the IdType.USER . In this case the delete operation for that plugin is only called for user identities.
      • SERVICE

        public static final IdOperation SERVICE
        The SERVICE operation is supported only for service related functions on an identity. Not all the configured identities for a plugin might support services for all identities. It is possible that service operations are supported only for one identity type for a plugin, say IdType.USER . In this case, all service related operations like assignService, unassignService, modifyService etc. are only called for user objects for that plugin.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IdOperation

        public IdOperation​(String operation)
        Constructs an IdOperation of type string
    • Method Detail

      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object opObject)
        The equals method compares the current IdOperation with the IdOperation passed in and returns true if the operations are same. it will return false if the operations are different.
        equals in class Object
        opObject - an IdOperation
        true if name opObject is same else false
      • toString

        public String toString()
        The toString method returns the same representation of the current IdOperation. The string returned is preceeded by the the substring "Operation: ". For example: if the current IdOperation is "CREATE" toString will return "Operation: create".
        toString in class Object
        String representaton of IdOperation.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns the hash code of the object
        hashCode in class Object
        int hash code of IdOperation.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        The getName method returns the name of the IdOperation in string representaion. For example if the current IdOperation is "CREATE" getName will return "create".
        String name of IdOperation.