Class Stats

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Stats
    extends Object
    implements ShutdownListener

    Allows a uniform interface to statistics information in a uniform format. Stats supports different states of filing stats information: OFF, FILE and CONSOLE.

    • OFF statistics is turned off.
    • FILE statistics information is written to a file
    • CONSOLE statistics information is written on console

    Stats service uses the property file,, to set the default stats level and the output directory where the stats files will be placed. The properties file is located (using ResourceBundle semantics) from one of the directories in the CLASSPATH.

    The following keys are used to configure the Stats service. Possible values for the key 'state' are: off | off | file | console The key 'directory' specifies the output directory where the stats files will be created.
    If there is an error reading or loading the properties, all the information is redirected to System.out If these properties are changed, the server must be restarted for the changes to take effect.

    NOTE: Printing Statistics is an IO intensive operation and may hurt application performance when abused. Particularly, note that Java evaluates the arguments to message() and warning() even when statistics is turned off. It is recommended that the stats state be checked before invoking any message() or warning() methods to avoid unnecessary argument evaluation and to maximize application performance.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int CONSOLE
      Flags the state where printing to a file is disabled.
      static int FILE
      Flags the state where all the statistic information is printed to a file
      static int OFF
      flags the disabled stats state.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addStatsListener​(com.sun.identity.shared.stats.StatsListener listener)  
      void destroy()
      Destroys the stats object, closes the stats file and releases any system resources.
      protected void finalize()
      Flushes and then closes the stats file.
      static Stats getInstance​(String statsName)
      Returns an existing instance of Stats for the specified stats file or a new one if no such instance already exists.
      int getState()
      Returns one of the 3 possible values.
      boolean isEnabled()
      Checks if statistics is enabled.
      void record​(String msg)
      Prints messages only when the stats state is either Stats.FILE or Stats.CONSOLE.
      void setStats​(int statsType)
      Sets the stats capabilities based on the values of the statsType argument.
      void setStats​(String statsType)
      Sets the stats capabilities based on the values of the statsType argument.
      void shutdown()
      The function to run when the system shutdown.
    • Field Detail

      • FILE

        public static final int FILE
        Flags the state where all the statistic information is printed to a file
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • CONSOLE

        public static final int CONSOLE
        Flags the state where printing to a file is disabled. All printing is done on System.out.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static Stats getInstance​(String statsName)
        Returns an existing instance of Stats for the specified stats file or a new one if no such instance already exists. If a Stats object has to be created, its level is set to the level defined in the file. The level can be changed later by using setStats(int) or setStats(String)
        statsName - name of statistic instance.
        an existing instance of Stats for the specified stats file.
      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled()
        Checks if statistics is enabled.

        NOTE: It is recommended that isEnabled() be used instead of isEnabled() as the former is more intuitive.

        true if statistics is enabled false if statistics is disabled
      • getState

        public int getState()
        Returns one of the 3 possible values.
        • Stats.OFF
        • Stats.FILE
        • Stats.CONSOLE
        state of Stats.
      • record

        public void record​(String msg)
        Prints messages only when the stats state is either Stats.FILE or Stats.CONSOLE.

        NOTE: Printing Statistics is an IO intensive operation and may hurt application performance when abused. Particularly, note that Java evaluates arguments to message() even when statistics is turned off. So when the argument to this method involves the String concatenation operator '+' or any other method invocation, isEnabled MUST be used. It is recommended that the stats state be checked by invoking isEnabled() before invoking any message() methods to avoid unnecessary argument evaluation and maximize application performance.

        msg - message to be recorded.
      • setStats

        public void setStats​(int statsType)
        Sets the stats capabilities based on the values of the statsType argument.
        statsType - is any one of five possible values:
        • Stats.OFF
        • Stats.FILE
        • Stats.CONSOLE
      • setStats

        public void setStats​(String statsType)
        Sets the stats capabilities based on the values of the statsType argument.
        statsType - is any one of the following possible values:

        off - statistics is disabled

        file - statistics are written to the stats file System.out

        console - statistics are written to the stats to the console

      • destroy

        public void destroy()
        Destroys the stats object, closes the stats file and releases any system resources. Note that the stats file will remain open until destroy() is invoked. To conserve file resources, you should invoke destroy() explicitly rather than wait for the garbage collector to clean up.

        If this object is accessed after destroy() has been invoked, the results are undefined.

      • finalize

        protected void finalize()
        Flushes and then closes the stats file.
        finalize in class Object
      • addStatsListener

        public void addStatsListener​(com.sun.identity.shared.stats.StatsListener listener)