Interface ContinuousQuery

  • public interface ContinuousQuery
    Interface for ensuring that continuous queries can be controlled once configured. A continuous query is expected to, once configured, run against a connection which will continually return data through the connection. A ContinuousQueryListener should be configured to react to events as they see them, though it is up to the underlying implementation to decide whether the listener should use either objectChanged or objectsChanged.
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • startQuery

        void startQuery()
                 throws DataLayerException
        Begins the continuous query on the datastore.
        DataLayerException - if there were issues creating the connection and starting the query.
      • stopQuery

        void stopQuery()
        Ends the continuous query on the datastore, removing any outstanding listeners.
      • addContinuousQueryListener

        ContinuousQuery addContinuousQueryListener​(ContinuousQueryListener listener)
        Adds a generic listener to the set of objects that will be informed of changes according to the queried filter.
        listener - ContinuousQueryListener that will respond to changes.
        This instance of the ContinuousQuery.
      • removeContinuousQueryListener

        ContinuousQuery removeContinuousQueryListener​(ContinuousQueryListener listener)
        Removes a generic listener from the set of objects that will be informed of changes according to the queried filter.
        listener - ContinuousQueryListener that will respond to changes.
        This instance of the ContinuousQuery.