Class HttpClientHandler

    • Field Detail


        public static final Option<Duration> OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
        The TCP connect timeout for new HTTP connections. The default timeout is 10 seconds.

        public static final Option<Duration> OPTION_SO_TIMEOUT
        The TCP socket timeout when waiting for HTTP responses. The default timeout is 10 seconds.

        public static final Option<Boolean> OPTION_REUSE_CONNECTIONS
        Specifies whether HTTP connections should be kept alive and reused for additional requests. By default, connections will be reused if possible.

        public static final Option<Boolean> OPTION_DISABLE_CONNECTION_STATE
        This option is only taken into account when OPTION_REUSE_CONNECTIONS is also set to true. Setting this to true can help with performance in the case where a client certificate is being used as it will change the Apache HTTP Client default behaviour which is to not allow connection reuse when a client certificate is being used for authentication. Since the client certificate is defined at the client level, all requests to the same target will be sharing the same client certificate so enabling this should not be an issue. This option is not enabled by default to ensure that there is still control over when it is applied. In the context of Apache HTTP Client and stateful requests:

        There are cases when HTTP connections are created with a particular user identity or within a particular security context and therefore cannot be shared with other users and can be reused by the same user only. Examples of such stateful HTTP connections are NTLM authenticated connections and SSL connections with client certificate authentication.


        public static final Option<Boolean> OPTION_RETRY_REQUESTS
        Specifies whether requests should be retried if a failure is detected. By default requests will be retried.

        public static final Option<KeyManager[]> OPTION_KEY_MANAGERS
        Specifies the list of key managers that should be used when configuring SSL/TLS connections. By default the system key manager(s) will be used.

        public static final Option<KeyManagerFactory> OPTION_KEY_MANAGER_FACTORY
        Specifies the key manager factory that should be used when configuring SSL/TLS connections.

        public static final Option<Integer> OPTION_MAX_CONNECTIONS
        Specifies the maximum number of connections that should be pooled by the HTTP client. At most 64 connections will be cached by default.

        public static final Option<Factory<Buffer>> OPTION_TEMPORARY_STORAGE
        Specifies the temporary storage that should be used for storing HTTP responses. By default IO.newTemporaryStorage() is used.

        public static final Option<TrustManager[]> OPTION_TRUST_MANAGERS
        Specifies the list of trust managers that should be used when configuring SSL/TLS connections. By default the system trust manager(s) will be used.

        public static final Option<TrustManagerFactory> OPTION_TRUST_MANAGER_FACTORY
        Specifies the trust manager factory that should be used when configuring SSL/TLS connections.

        public static final Option<Boolean> OPTION_PROXY_SYSTEM
        Specifies that the system defined proxy should be used for requests by the HTTP Client. When OPTION_PROXY is defined it takes precedence over this option. By default, no proxies are used.

        public static final Option<List<String>> OPTION_NON_PROXY_HOSTS
        Specifies the list of hosts for which requests should not be proxied. Only used when OPTION_PROXY is also specified.

        public static final Option<Long> OPTION_POOLED_CONNECTION_TTL
        Specifies the time to live (expiry time) in milliseconds of connections from the pool. By default they are set to not expire. The underlying Apache API uses a negative value to indicate no expiry.

        public static final Option<String> OPTION_SSLCONTEXT_ALGORITHM
        SSLContext algorithm to be used when making SSL/TLS connections.

        public static final Option<List<String>> OPTION_SSL_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS
        List of SSL protocols to be enabled on the HttpClient. Defaults to TLSv1.3 and TLSv1.2.
        See Also:
        JDK 11 Supported Protocols

        public static final Option<List<String>> OPTION_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES
        List of JSSE ciphers to be enabled on the HttpClient. Defaults to the list of ciphers supported by the Java runtime.
        See Also:
        JDK 7 Cipher Suite Names
    • Constructor Detail

      • HttpClientHandler

        public HttpClientHandler()
                          throws HttpApplicationException
        Creates a new HTTP client using default client options. The returned client must be closed when it is no longer needed by the application.
        HttpApplicationException - If no client provider could be found.
      • HttpClientHandler

        public HttpClientHandler​(Options options)
                          throws HttpApplicationException
        Creates a new HTTP client using the provided client options. The returned client must be closed when it is no longer needed by the application.
        options - The options which will be used to configure the client.
        HttpApplicationException - If no client provider could be found, or if the client could not be configured using the provided set of options.
        NullPointerException - If options was null.
    • Method Detail

      • close

        public void close()
                   throws IOException
        Completes all pending requests and release resources associated with underlying implementation.
        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface Closeable
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • handle

        public Promise<Response,​NeverThrowsException> handle​(Context context,
                                                                   Request request)
        Sends an HTTP request to a remote server and returns a Promise representing the asynchronous response.

        Returns a Promise representing the asynchronous Response of the given request. If any (asynchronous) processing goes wrong, the promise still contains a Response (probably from the 4xx or 5xx status code family).

        A handler that doesn't hand-off the processing to another downstream handler is responsible for creating the response.

        The returned Promise contains the response returned from the server as-is. This is responsibility of the handler to produce the appropriate error response (404, 500, ...) in case of processing error.

        Note: As of Promise 2.0 implementation, it is not permitted to throw any runtime exception here. Doing so produce unexpected behaviour (most likely a server-side hang of the processing thread).

        Specified by:
        handle in interface Handler
        context - The request context.
        request - The request.
        A Promise representing the response to be returned to the caller.