Class SSOProviderImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Supported public final class SSOProviderImpl extends Object implements com.iplanet.sso.SSOProvider
This final class SSOProviderImpl implements SSOProvider interface and provides implementation of the methods to create , destroy , check the validity of a single sign on token.
  • Constructor Details

    • SSOProviderImpl

      @Supported public SSOProviderImpl()
      Constructs a instance of SSOProviderImpl
  • Method Details

    • destroyToken

      @Supported public void destroyToken(SSOToken destroyer, SSOToken destroyed) throws SSOException
      Destroys a single sign on token.
      destroyer - The single sign on token object used to authorize the operation
      destroyed - The single sign on token object to be destroyed.
      SSOException - if the there was an error during communication with session service.
    • getValidSessions

      @Supported public Set<SSOToken> getValidSessions(SSOToken requester, String server) throws SSOException
      Returns a list of single sign on token objects which correspond to valid Sessions accessible to requester. single sign on token objects returned are restricted: they can only be used to retrieve properties and destroy sessions they represent.
      requester - The single sign on token object used to authorize the operation
      server - The server for which the valid sessions are to be retrieved
      Set of Valid Sessions
      SSOException - if the there was an error during communication with session service.