AM 7.5.0 Public API Javadoc

Copy of internal classes from RxJava3.
Copy of internal classes from RxJava3.
This package contains interfaces and implementation for User/Identity Management.
Provides utility classes for use by other OpenAM SDK and custom applications accessing OpenAM SDK.
XML parsing utility.
This package contains classes and interfaces that represent methods to validate/update/destroy/persist/retrieve the internal session data
Exception classes for audit logging.
Provides the classes for implementing services and applications serving multiple clients to OpenAM.
Deprecated classes for LDAP support.
Classes to handle LDAP persistent searches.
Utilities for service management.
This package contains classes fro accessing the Single Sign On service and representing a SSOToken(Single Sign On) which contains the information related to session.
This package contains classes that represent SSOProvider
Provides interfaces and classes for writing a Remote Java client application to authenticate to OpenAM.
Implementation of the Authentication Framework HOTP module and associated classes.
This package contains the classes that represent server side functionality such as the implementation of request for authenticating, user credential callbacks.
Provides interfaces and classes for writing a supplemental authentication module to plug into OpenAM.
Defines classes and interfaces to work with entitlements.
Defines Federation Common Utils.
Provides classes for accessing the Identity Repository interfaces.
Defines classes to handle JAX-RPC.
Provides interface for Web Service Security X.509 Certificate Token Profile.
Reverse SOAP Binding classes.
Provides interface to manage liberty security
Provides classes to manage Liberty SOAP Binding.
Provides the classes and interfaces of core logging and auditing facilities.
Provides means for plugging in support for authorization and other security related aspects of logging.
Contains configuration SPI.
Contains data store plugin SPIs.
Contains Log SPI.
Contains session SPI.
Provides classes for policy administration and evaluation.
Deprecated interfaces for writing custom Policy plugins for Conditions, Subjects, Referrals, ResponseProviders and Resources.
Classes to handle policies remotely.
Defines Secure Attribute Exchange (SAE) APIs.
Defines SAML Assertion Manager and SAML Client APIs.
Defines SAML assertion.
Defines common SAML 1.x utilities and constants.
Defines KeyProvider interface and default implementation class.
Defines SAMLv2 assertion.
SAMLv2 Assertion Implementation Classes.
Defines common SAMLv2 utilities and constants.
Defines classes for SAMLv2 ECP profile.
Package that handles SAML v2 metadata operations.
Defines SAMLv2 Plugin SPIs.
Contains classes to be used by the SAML2 scripted plugins.
Wrappers for SAML Script bindings
Package that handles SAML v2 profiles.
SAMLv2 Protocol Classes.
SAMLv2 Protocol Implementation Classes.
Provides the classes to be used for performing privileged operations (like getting the OpenAM administrator's DN and password).
Defines legacy debug logging classes.
Defines classes to handle JAX-RPC.
Defines classes to handle localization.
Defines classes to interact with statistics.
Defines classes for basic resource matching.
Provides classes for accessing the Service Management Service (SMS).
Validator classes for SMS.
Defines common WS-Federation utilities and constants.
Defines WS-Federation Plugin SPIs
Defines classes to handle XACML requests.
Defines common XACML Utilities and Constants
Defines XACML2 context classes
Defines XACML Context implementations.
Defines XACML Policy classes.
Defines XACML Policy implementations.
Defines XACML interfaces for SAMLv2
Defines XACML implementations for SAMLv2.
This package contains the config API that is used to retrieve and persist configuration for services.
Contains consumable services and endpoints used for monitoring AMs health.
This package contains all classes pertaining to AM's IoT functionality.
This package contains the client credentials OAuth2 API.
This package contains the SAML2 SSO APIs.
This package contains the implementation of the SAML2 client APIs.
ForgeRock API Descriptor models, builders, and utilities.
Annotations that can be used to specify information to be included in the API Descriptor.
Data related to ForgeRock Commons API Descriptor.
API descriptor enums.
Extensions to Jackson's JSON Schema to support the API Descriptor extensions to standard JSON Schema.
Classes that generate CREST API Descriptor documentation.
AsciiDoc markup builder.
ForgeRock API Descriptor models.
Classes that transform ApiDescription into different API representations.
API Descriptor utility classes.
This package defines the common authorization API interfaces and classes used by both the CREST API and CHF HTTP API.
This package defines the authorization framework implementation classes for use in a CREST environment.
This package defines the authorization API interfaces for use in a CREST environment.
ForgeRock Bloom Filters
This package defines the core interfaces and classes to provide an asynchronous and improved JASPI-like message authentication API.
This package defines the authentication framework classes for the authentication of messages via authentication contexts and modules.
HTTP support for CAF.
This package contains the common config property resolvers.
This package contains the template parser used in property substitution.
Contains utility classes for commons config.
A collection of Guava interfaces that were previously packaged as "forgerock-guava".
Models and manages elements of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
This package contains the classes and interfaces related to the implementation of the HTTP client, and its use in scripted modules.
This package contains the classes and interfaces related to the requests sent by the HTTP client, and their use in scripted modules.
This package contains the classes and interfaces related to the responses received by the HTTP client, and their use in scripted modules.
Decodes HTTP entities that are compressed or encoded.
Core Filter implementations.
Support for CORS.
Core Handler implementations.
Processes HTTP message header fields.
Credentials classes for use with the AuthorizationHeader.
Provides stream buffering, branching, and storage functions.
This package provides APIs for OAuth 2.0 services implementations.
This package defines OpenAM specific logic needed to retrieve an AccessTokenInfo.
Models and manages elements of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
Provides routing functionality for HTTP requests.
Provides interfaces for managing and interacting with HTTP Sessions.
HTTP service provider API.
Miscellaneous utility classes.
A i18n framework for embedding localizable messages in applications.
This package provides an alternative localization mechanism to org.slf4j.cal10n.
This package contains classes which form the Open ID Connect JASPIc AuthN module.
This package contains classes for the Jwt Session JASPI Authentication Module.
Provides an API for the traversal and manipulation of JSON object model structures in Java.
Core library for JSON cryptographic operations.
Simple JSON cryptographic implementation.
Classes and interfaces for builder to build JWTs using a fluent API.
Common classes and interfaces for all types of JWTs.
Exceptions for all possible JWT exception scenarios.
Classes and interfaces for JWT encryption and JWEs.
Compression Handler classes for each possible compression algorithm.
Encryption Handler classes for each possible encryption algorithm.
Classes and interfaces for creating and manipulating JWKs.
This package contains classes to manage a JWKs URI.
Classes and interfaces for JWT signing and JWS'.
Signing Handler classes for each possible signing algorithm.
Classes and interfaces for JWTs.
JWT implementation(s) of TokenHandler.
Utility classes for JWT creation and manipulation.
Classes and interfaces for core types including connections, request handlers, resources, and their exceptions.
Common utility classes for monitoring.
Commons OAuth Framework API.
Forgerock Apple Client implementation.
Forgerock Facebook Client Implementation.
Forgerock LinkedIn Client Implementation.
OAuth 2.0 ForgeRock Client Implementation.
OpenID Connect ForgeRock Client Implementation.
This package contains classes to generate Open ID Resolvers, which can validate a supplied JWS against an Open ID Connect provider.
This package contains classes to represent the different exceptions that can be thrown by the OpenID Connect JASPI module.
This package contains classes for a service which can be configured to produce OpenID Connect Resolvers.
Defines the core classes to implement OAuth2 for OpenAM.
This package contains the exception classes that may be thrown by AM OAuth2 classes.
This package contains the API for writing OAuth2 plugins.
Contains annotations used by AM.
Annotations for defining SMS service configurations.
This package contains the API for writing authentication nodes.
This package contains classes related to authentication node scripts.
This package contains the mapping interfaces and default implementations that are common for use by all authentication modules.
Classes in this package provide plugin functionality for the oath module.
Provides classes for the OAuth 2.0 authentication module.
A collection of classes which support the authentication service.
Classes to model realms within AM.
Defines classes to handle entitlements.
Federation plugin root url classes.
This package contains utilities for HTTP connections.
This package contains utility methods to ease/unify development when using the OpenDJ LDAP SDK.
Classes that provide AM's features as an OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server.
Defines the classes and supported interface that customers need to create their own ResourceRegistrationFilter.
Functionality for issuing access and refresh token as Macaroons.
This package contains the API for writing AM plugins.
This package contains classes for the handling of REST request to CREST Resource endpoints with the concept of realms in OpenAM built in.
This package contains the API for writing SAML federation plugins.
The classes under this package do not support Localisation.
Classes to help scripts interact with identities obtained from identity repositories.
A package containing a set of script-friendly classes and functionality that are intended to simplify use of the Secrets API from within a scripting context.
Script wrappers for using AM Objects in a JavaScript context
Classes in this package provide plugin functionality script logging.
Wrappers for improving the interface for AM objects using in scripts.
The AM supporting classes for centrally configuring secrets.
Classes and interfaces to create configurable secret store backends.
Contains classes for handling self service console configuration.
Contains self service configuration beans.
Service interface for sending email messages and default implementation.
REST implementation for sending email messages.
Defines classes for the Push Notification service and framework.
Classes pertaining to the predicates used by the Push Service's Message Dispatcher.
Defines interfaces and classes for the Session Service.
This package contains url resource name utilities for use throughout the OpenAM codebase.
This package contains security cryptographic utilities for use throughout the OpenAM codebase.
This package contains exception types for service management error scenarios.
Contains classes used to define services and their configuration based on annotations.
Type adapters for converting a type to and from a set of strings, which is the underlying SMS representation for configuration.
Model classes used in the processing of types of annotated methods.
Base package for classes shared between the SOAP and REST STS.
Contains the classes which encapsulate the user-provided configuration state necessary to publish a STS instance.
Contains classes and interface definitions common to all token provider classes.
Classes related to producing OpenIdConnect tokens
Token validation occurs in three contexts in the sts: 1.
Contains the classes related to token operations.
This package contains classes defining OpenId Connect Token generation and claim mapping.
This package contains classes defining the interfaces consumed to obtain the various statements contituting SAML2 assertions.
This package contains classes related to creating the json payloads corresponding to REST-STS and TokenGenerationService invocations.
Classes that support AM's UMA AS functionality.
Extension points for integrating with UMA functionality.
Defines interfaces and classes to perform OpenAM system upgrade.
This package contains general utilities for use throughout the OpenAM codebase.
Contains the Service Discovery Mechanisms and APIs.
Classes and interfaces providing I/O functionality.
Classes and interfaces providing Reactive Streams I/O transports.
Classes and interfaces for core types including connections, entries, and attributes.
Classes and interfaces for common LDAP controls.
Classes and interfaces for core LDAP requests/responses.
Classes and interfaces for constructing and querying LDAP schemas.
Classes and interfaces for reading and writing LDIF.
An LDAP based security provider having the name "OpenDJ" and exposing an LDAP/LDIF based KeyStore service.
Classes required for the AM OAuth2 OIDC implementation.
Provides a unified API for accessing secrets of various kinds.
Contains secret credential related API objects.
Classes for integrating Google Secret Manager into the ForgeRock Secrets API.
A secret store implementation that can retrieve keys from a Google Cloud Platform Key Management Service.
Secret store backend for retrieving keys from a local or remote JWK Set.
Contains cryptographic key related API objects.
Implementations of SecretStore for accessing keys stored in Java KeyStores, such as PKCS#11 Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) and PKCS#12 file-based encrypted key stores.
A Secrets API backend that can obtain OAuth 2 access tokens from a token endpoint, along with a collection of grant type handlers.
Provides a SecretStore implementation that loads secrets from a Common Configuration PropertyResolver and then decodes it with a SecretPropertyFormat.
Secrets backend that reads secrets from a remote Hashicorp Vault server.
This package contains classes that load, initialize, and access a managed keystore.
This package contains the core implementation for the anonymous process service.
This package contains annotations that allow product detection of Self-Service components.
This package contains the service configuration.
This package contains crypto related implementations for self-service.
This package contains the implementation for creating and management of snapshots.
This package contains core utility methods and classes.
This package contains common predefined anonymous process service parts.
This package contains captcha stage implementation.
This package contains a common email stage implementation.
This package contains a common user kba stage implementation.
This package contains a parameter passing stage implementation.
This package contains a common user registration stage implementation.
This package contains a common reset password stage implementation.
This package contains some common snapshot token handler implementations.
This package contains a common user related stage implementation.
This package contains some utility classes helpful for stage creators.
This package contains the classes classes and interfaces used in the services' implementations.
This package contains the Context interface and various common protocol independent implementations.
Classes that allow services to be described.
This package provides a simple framework for implementing routers.
Provides token handler definition.
Provides common interfaces and classes.
Provides common annotations.
Provides common crypto constants and classes.
Provides fast and memory efficient Base64, Base64Url, and Hex decoding and encoding.
Provides an abstraction of identifiers generators.
Utility classes for dealing with internationalization (i18n).
An implementation of the Promise API in Java.
Provides a mechanism for implementing query filters.
Provides a mechanism for handling shutdown of ExecutorService instances.
Provides interfaces for handling shutdown.
Provides a time service abstraction.
Provides utilities for reading and processing XML.