Class ChoiceValues

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

@SupportedAll public abstract class ChoiceValues extends Object implements ChoiceValues
The abstract class ChoiceValues provides a mechanism for services to provide choice values for attributes dynamically instead of being statically defined in the service XML file stored in the directory.

An implementation of this class must be specified in the service configuration XML file in the definition of the respective attribute schema. Instead of providing the choice values in the XML configuration file, the class name must be specified within the XML node ChoiceValuesClassName.

  • Field Details


      public static final String EMPTY_SCRIPT_SELECTION
      Constant key string for the "Please select from the list" value populated in the combo box on the UI amongst the available valid choices
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ChoiceValues

      public ChoiceValues()
  • Method Details

    • getAttributeName

      public final String getAttributeName()
      Returns the name of the attribute for which the choice values will be returned.
      the name of attribute for which the choice values are returned
    • getConfiguredKeyValues

      public final Map<String,Set<String>> getConfiguredKeyValues()
      Returns the configured key-value pairs for the class in the service's configuration file
      key-value pairs configured for this class in the service schema XML file
    • getAttributeSchemaNode

      public final Node getAttributeSchemaNode()
      Returns the XML AttributeSchema node associated with this attribute
      XML node of AttributeSchema