Interface ResourceContent

All Superinterfaces:

@SupportedAll public interface ResourceContent extends XmlSerializable
The ResourceContent element specifies information about the resource to which access is requested by listing a sequence of Attribute elements associated with the resource. it may include ResourceContent

 <xs:complexType name="ResourceContentType" mixed="true">
      <xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" 
   <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns zero to many Attribute elements of this object If no attributes and present, empty List will be returned.
    Returns the resource content of the Resource
    Checks if the object is mutable
    Makes the object immutable
    setAttributes(List attributes)
    Sets the Attribute elements of this object
    setResourceContent(String resourceContent)
    Sets the resource content of this object
    default String
    Returns a string representation of this object
    default String
    toXMLString(boolean includeNSPrefix, boolean declareNS)
    Returns a String representation of this object

    Methods inherited from interface com.sun.identity.saml2.common.XmlSerializable

  • Method Details

    • getResourceContent

      String getResourceContent()
      Returns the resource content of the Resource
      String representing the contents of the Resource.
    • setResourceContent

      void setResourceContent(String resourceContent) throws XACMLException
      Sets the resource content of this object
      resourceContent - ResourceContent of this object ResourceContent is optional so could be null. are present.
      XACMLException - if the object is immutable An object is considered immutable if makeImmutable() has been invoked on it. It can be determined by calling isMutable on the object.
    • getAttributes

      List getAttributes()
      Returns zero to many Attribute elements of this object If no attributes and present, empty List will be returned. Typically a Resource element will contain an Attribute with an AttributeId of "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:resource:resource-id". Each such Attribute SHALL be an absolute abd fully resolved representation of the identity of the single resource to which access is requested.
      List containing the Attribute elements of this object
    • setAttributes

      void setAttributes(List attributes) throws XACMLException
      Sets the Attribute elements of this object
      attributes - Attribute elements of this object attributes could be an empty List, if no attributes are present.
      XACMLException - if the object is immutable An object is considered immutable if makeImmutable() has been invoked on it. It can be determined by calling isMutable on the object.
    • toXMLString

      default String toXMLString(boolean includeNSPrefix, boolean declareNS) throws XACMLException
      Returns a String representation of this object
      Specified by:
      toXMLString in interface XmlSerializable
      includeNSPrefix - Determines whether or not the namespace qualifier is prepended to the Element when converted
      declareNS - Determines whether or not the namespace is declared within the Element.
      a string representation of this object
      XACMLException - if conversion fails for any reason
    • toXMLString

      default String toXMLString() throws XACMLException
      Returns a string representation of this object
      Specified by:
      toXMLString in interface XmlSerializable
      a string representation of this object
      XACMLException - if conversion fails for any reason
    • makeImmutable

      void makeImmutable()
      Makes the object immutable
    • isMutable

      boolean isMutable()
      Checks if the object is mutable
      true if the object is mutable, false otherwise