This package contains all classes pertaining to AM's IoT functionality.
ClassDescriptionThis node handles the authentication of things.Defines the possible outcomes from this node.Configuration for the node.The JWT authentication method used to verify the JWT presented for authentication.The IotGuiceModule handles all the Guice dependency injections to allow the plugin to be operational within AM.Installs the IoT authentication nodes and services.This node handles the registration of things.Configuration for the node.The JWT registration method used to verify the JWT presented for registration.Defines the possible outcomes from this node.IotRestRouteProvider adds the IoT routes to the CREST router.This provider exposes the secret IDs used by the IoT component to the
.Service interface for configuring the IoT Service.Realm config interface holding the config for the IoT service attributes.Audit filter for capturing details about the things endpoint responses.ThingsResource handles REST calls made to the things endpoint.