Package org.forgerock.api.annotations

package org.forgerock.api.annotations
Annotations that can be used to specify information to be included in the API Descriptor.
  • Annotation Interfaces
    Indicates an CREST action method on an annotated POJO.
    Declare an array of Action operations from a single method.
    Annotation to define JSON Schema additionalProperties, which is useful when working with key/value JSON data structures.
    Details of an error that could be returned.
    A marker annotation to indicate that the annotated class should be interpreted as an annotated CREST collection provider resource.
    Indicates an CREST create method on an annotated POJO.
    Annotation to define JSON Schema property's default-value, represented as a String.
    Indicates an CREST delete method on an annotated POJO.
    Annotation to define JSON Schema property's description.
    Annotation to provide a title for a given enum value.
    Specify an example value for the JSON schema.
    Annotation to mark a JSON Schema property's format field.
    Details of a handler.
    Annotation to mark a numeric JSON Schema property's multipleOf field.
    The common details of an operation.
    A extra parameter to an operation.
    Indicates an CREST patch method on an annotated POJO.
    Allocate a path to a component.
    Annotation to provide a property order for a given object property.
    An annotation to declare the policies for property access in the CREST API Descriptor schema elements.
    Declare an array of Query operations from a single method.
    Indicates an CREST query method on an annotated POJO.
    Indicates an CREST read method on an annotated POJO.
    Annotation to mark a JSON Schema property as read-only.
    A marker annotation to indicate that the annotated class should be interpreted as an annotated CREST request handler.
    Specify a schema for the element that is being described.
    A marker annotation to indicate that the annotated class should be interpreted as an annotated CREST singleton provider resource.
    Annotation to define JSON Schema property's title.
    Annotation to mark a JSON Schema array-items as unique.
    Indicates an CREST update method on an annotated POJO.