Package org.forgerock.api.jackson

package org.forgerock.api.jackson
Extensions to Jackson's JSON Schema to support the API Descriptor extensions to standard JSON Schema.
  • Class
    An extension to the Jackson AnySchema that includes the custom CREST JSON Schema attributes.
    An extension to the Jackson ArraySchema that includes the custom CREST JSON Schema attributes.
    An extension to the Jackson BooleanSchema that includes the custom CREST JSON Schema attributes.
    A JsonSchemaFactory that returns the extension schema objects rather than the default Jackson implementations.
    An extension to the Jackson ObjectSchema that includes the custom CREST JSON Schema attributes.
    A SchemaFactoryWrapper that adds the extra CREST schema attributes once the Jackson schema generation has been completed.
    Some utilities for dealing with Jackson schemas.
    Interface defining support for multipleOf JSON Schema field.
    Jackson Module that adds a serializer modifier for Paths.
    Extension for CREST and OpenAPI schemas to express an example value.