Inserts a cross-reference anchor.
Inserts a cross-reference anchor, with a custom
Creates a new builder instance.
Inserts a document title.
Inserts an example-block.
Inserts a horizontal-rule divider.
Inserts an include-directive, given a relative path to a file.
Inserts a cross-reference link.
Inserts a cross-reference link, with a custom
Inserts a listing-block, with the source-code type (e.g., java, json, etc.) noted for formatting purposes.
Inserts monospaced (e.g., code) text.
Inserts a UNIX newline character, where two adjacent newlines will create a new
Inserts a pass-through-block.
Inserts raw line (may contain markup), and will insert one newline-characters above and below, if those
newlines do not already exist.
Inserts raw paragraph (may contain markup), and will insert two newline-characters above and below, if those
newlines do not already exist [
Inserts raw text (may contain markup or only whitespace).
Inserts a section title, at a given level.
Inserts a section title, level 1.
Inserts a section title, level 2.
Inserts a section title, level 3.
Inserts a section title, level 4.
Inserts a section title, level 5.
Completes the table being built, and inserts it at the end of the parent document.
Inserts a line for an unordered list, at level 1 indentation.