Package org.forgerock.json.jose.jwe

package org.forgerock.json.jose.jwe
Classes and interfaces for JWT encryption and JWEs.
  • Class
    An Enum of the possible compression algorithms that can be applied to the JWE payload plaintext.
    A service to get the appropriate CompressionHandler for a specified Compression algorithm.
    A JWE implementation of the Jwt interface.
    A service to get the appropriate EncryptionHandler for a specified Java Cryptographic encryption algorithm.
    An Enum of the possible encryption methods that can be used when encrypting a JWT.
    An Enum of the possible encryption algorithms that can be used to encrypt a JWT.
    An Enum of the possible types of JWE algorithms that can be used to encrypt a JWT.
    This class represents the result from the encryption process of the JWT plaintext.
    An implementation for the JWE Header parameters.
    An Enum for the additional JWE Header parameter names.
    A nested signed-then-encrypted JWT.