Interface EllipticCurveJwk

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface EllipticCurveJwk
Encapsulates common functionality for JWKs that represent elliptic curve keys: EcJWK and OkpJWK.
  • Method Details

    • isPublicKeyValid

      boolean isPublicKeyValid()
      Determines whether the public key is a valid point on the underlying elliptic curve. This eliminates points of small-order and potentially other anomalous points. The caller should still check whether the point is on the curve it expected.
      true if the public key is a valid point on the curve.
    • toECPublicKey

      ECPublicKey toECPublicKey()
      Converts the public claims in the JWK into a public key object. This method is only compatible with EcJWKs and will throw an exception if called on an OkpJWK.
      the public key.
    • toPublicKey

      PublicKey toPublicKey()
      Converts the public claims in the JWK into a public key. Note that the public key returned may not be an ECPublicKey. For instance, on Java 11 an OkpJWK may return a XECPrivateKey.
      the public key.
    • toKeyPair

      KeyPair toKeyPair()
      Converts the JWK to a key pair.
      the key pair.
    • getEllipticCurve

      SupportedEllipticCurve getEllipticCurve()
      The elliptic curve this JWK is on.
      the elliptic curve.