Class OAuth2SessionInfo

All Implemented Interfaces:
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public class OAuth2SessionInfo extends Object implements SessionInfo
OAuth2 Session Info Object used to determine if the access token expiry time has passed and to determine if a session is still active.
  • Field Details

    • clock

      protected final Clock clock
      Clock used when comparing expire times.
    • expireTime

      protected final Long expireTime
      Time when the session is set to expire.
  • Constructor Details

    • OAuth2SessionInfo

      protected OAuth2SessionInfo(Clock clock, DataStore dataStore) throws OAuthException
      Constructs a OAuth2SessionInfo object.
      clock - clock.
      dataStore - data store implementation used to retrieve session information from.
      OAuthException - when there is an issue retrieving data from the data store.
  • Method Details

    • isActive

      public boolean isActive()
      Description copied from interface: SessionInfo
      Returns the status of the auth server session.
      Specified by:
      isActive in interface SessionInfo
      true if the session is still valid; false otherwise.
    • getExpireTime

      public Long getExpireTime()
      Description copied from interface: SessionInfo
      Returns the expireTime of current auth token stored in the DataStore implementation.
      Specified by:
      getExpireTime in interface SessionInfo
      expire time of Auth token.