Package org.forgerock.oauth.clients.oidc
package org.forgerock.oauth.clients.oidc
OpenID Connect ForgeRock Client Implementation.
ClassDescriptionModels an OpenID Connect claim that has been requested in an authorize request.Builder to keep the
immutable.Models OpenID Connect claims that are requested in an authorize request.Enum denoting how the request parameter jwt would to be sent to the OIDC provider.OpenID Connect Client Implementation that supports the Authorization Code Grant Flow.Configuration used for OpenID Connect Client Implementations.OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration.Builder<T extends OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration.Builder<T,C>, C extends OAuth2ClientConfiguration> Builder class for creating the OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration.OpenIDSessionInfo object used to determine if the access token or id token expiry time has passed and to determine if a session is still active.OpenID Connect user information related to a users current social session.