Interface OpenIdResolverService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface OpenIdResolverService
Interface through which OpenIdResolvers are obtained, and the service providing them is configured. A resolver can be configured through a number of configurations, each of which results in the generation of a key which can be used to perform cryptographic verification of the JWS which will be provided to the resolver once it is configured inside the service. The service will then provide access to the specific resolver needed at the point of verification by keying on its OpenIdResolver.getIssuer() value. Resolvers can be configured by supplying one of the following configurations: - The issuer's name, along with the specific location of the public key to use when performing verification as drawn from a standard trust store. - The issuer's name, along with a shared secret which can be used to create an HMAC which will verify the signature in the provided JWS. - The issuer's name, along with the URL of a JWK set, which provides keys through a public exposure point. - A .well-known configuration URL, which provides both the issuer name and location of the corresponding JWK set which it should use to configure the resolver.
  • Method Details

    • getResolverForIssuer

      Optional<OpenIdResolver> getResolverForIssuer(String issuer)
      Returns the appropriate OpenId Connect resolver for the issuer capable of handling signed JWTs. The OpenId Connect JWT's "iss" field MUST be identical to the issuer param.
      issuer - Reference to the issuer of the OpenID Connect JWT
      an Optional containing the OpenIdResolver for the corresponding provider if found
    • getEncryptedResolverForIssuer

      Optional<EncryptedOpenIdResolver> getEncryptedResolverForIssuer(String issuer)
      Returns the appropriate OpenId Connect resolver for the issuer capable of handling signed and encrypted JWTs. The OpenId Connect JWT's "iss" field MUST be identical to the issuer param.
      issuer - Reference to the issuer of the OpenID Connect JWT
      an Optional containing the EncryptedOpenIdResolver for the corresponding provider if found
    • configureResolverWithKey

      boolean configureResolverWithKey(String issuer, String keyAlias, String keystoreLocation, String keystoreType, String keystorePassword)
      Configures a new resolver implementation using the given parameters for this service which is later retrievable.
      issuer - issuer's name - the OpenID Connect "iss" field
      keyAlias - alias inside the keystore of the public key for this resolver
      keystoreLocation - location of the keystore from which to retrieve the key
      keystoreType - the type of keystore to connect to
      keystorePassword - password for connecting to the keystore
      true if resolver configured successfully, false otherwise
    • configureResolverWithSecret

      boolean configureResolverWithSecret(String issuer, String sharedSecret)
      Configures a new resolver implementation using the given parameters for this service which is later retrievable.
      issuer - issuer's name - the OpenID Connect "iss" field
      sharedSecret - secret shared between client and provider
      true if resolver configured successfully, false otherwise
    • configureResolverWithJWK

      boolean configureResolverWithJWK(String issuer, URL jwkUrl)
      Configures a new resolver implementation using the given parameters for this service which is later retrievable.
      issuer - issuer's name - the OpenID Connect "iss" field
      jwkUrl - location from which to determine which public key to use
      true if resolver configured successfully, false otherwise
    • configureResolverWithWellKnownOpenIdConfiguration

      boolean configureResolverWithWellKnownOpenIdConfiguration(String issuer, URL configUrl)
      Configures a new resolver implementation using the given configUrl as the location from which to draw all necessary information pertaining to the resolver. Specifically and minimally this means the issuer value and the location of the JWK url
      issuer - issuer's name - the OpenID Connect "iss" field
      configUrl - The well-known Open Id Connect configuration url
      true if resolver configured successfully, false otherwise